Re: Maybe Microsoft could inherit some quality and reliability
"Too bad Windows Server 2016 or any Server version could not inherit an enterprise grade file system, like ZFS or btrfs from Nix community, to provide Microsoft with more competitive and worthwhile products."
NTFS + DFS is already pretty good and has many of the capabilities of say ZFS and was first with things like automated tiering and dedupe. However, what you want is already in production (ReFS) and this has a more capable and modern underlying design than ZFS / btrfs. However it is not yet feature complete - hopefully the 2016 Windows Server release will address that.
"Not only is Hyper-V inferior to VMware"
Not by much these days, and Hyper-V Server is completely free.
"but the Azure Cloud Computing services reliability is abysmal and lack any form of 'Docker' type containerization that is critical to modern Cloud Computing functions and efficiency."
Actually Azure has had fewer major outages than Amazon did in it's early days, and Azure has fully supported Docker for over a year now. The longer term strategic solution in this space in Windows Nano Server though, and native Windows Server and Hyper-V containers will be fully supported in Windows Server 2016