back to article There's a new build of Windows 10 Mobile, but you can't upgrade to it

Microsoft is back with another build of the Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview, but only the most eager testers will be able to get their hands on it. For starters, Redmond is only making Build 10136 available to Windows Insiders who opt for the Fast release ring. As with Windows 10 for desktop PCs, Redmond is being …

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  2. Captain DaFt

    Uh huh...

    Isn't this the second time MS has released a build of Win10 that couldn't be installed on something due to a bug?

    Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the care and attention paid to it, does it?

    1. Phil Kingston

      Re: Uh huh...

      It's not a release.

      It's a Technical Preview with many, many caveats and hoops to jump through explaining it's not for general use and only for people happy with the risks etc. Sadly, a lot of folks who don't know what they're doing have ignored all that and then start whining.

      No damage done.

      1. a_yank_lurker

        Re: Uh huh...

        At date with release about a month away, major upgrade bugs are inexcusable. The indicates a lack of internal testing. What will happen about July 30 when users have devices bricked?

        1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

          Re: Uh huh...

          When your device gets bricked with the update, MS will calmly point to some line (at 4pt font) in the EULA that says something like...

          Microsoft is not liable for any faults arising from udating of their devices

          If you were a lawyer for a Behmoth like MS would you allow anything out the door without a clause like that burried somewhere in the terms and conditions?

          1. Shinku

            Re: Uh huh...

            You have to go out of your way to actually get into the preview programme, you have to sign up, then go get the app, then go and choose a "ring" (release frequency) and then there are very explicit warnings when you say you want in, see images:



            See also warnings on the instructions page:


            It's made very, very clear that this is not a regular update and that it could all go tits up, you can't get much more explicit than "this might brick your phone beyond repair, are you absolutely sure?"

            I only hope that complaints from people who don't appear to be able to read don't convince Microsoft to abandon offering previews like this.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Uh huh...

          Moaning about problems in a technical preview and slating Microsoft's is the dumbest thing ever!

          It's pre release software!

          Now just think...when the final version gets RTM will people be upgrading from Windows Phone 8.1 or some early pre release build of 10? I'll give you a hint, 8.1, and upgrading from that works!

        3. TheVogon

          Re: Uh huh...

          "At date with release about a month away"

          ? October / November is a fair bit longer than a month away...

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Windows 10 ain't done until Windows 10 won't run. Oh, wait...

  4. ardubbleyu


    The Desktop release is due on July 29, not for phones. Read the article.

  5. John P

    Bugs aside, as noted by many it is a Technical Preview so those are to be expected, I really dislike Windows Phone 10.

    The thing I like the best about WP8 is that swipe is a universal action. In all screens, all apps, you can swipe left or right to get to another page within the app or you can swipe up from bottom to get the menu. These paradigms are pretty much universal to the platform and that kind of one handed use is really handy when you've got two under-4s in the house and are trying to read email or Reddit while stopping them from propelling themselves off of the furniture.

    WP10 seems to be going for hamburger menu in the top left where it is most inconvenient and left/right swipe is all but gone in all the UWP apps that have been released so far, opting instead for the rather dull and unimaginitive press a button to go somewhere in the app.

    The imho better navigation model was one of my main reasons for ditching Android, that and the better battery life. With that gone, the reasons for sticking with WP reduce drastically.

    In their rush to look like everyone else, they're risking alienating the users they do have.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm not cynical but.................

    .....maybe its a way to see how the Current 8.1 user base will fare when its upgrade time for real

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