Am I bothered?
"The San Francisco-headquartered post-profit upstart is concerned that you, a Twitter user, may be missing “something that you care about,” because of all the effort involved in lifting your finger to tap on a video to play it."
The problem with the above statement is - I'm not a user. I used to really respect the 140 char message format for a pithy, witty statement. There have been some absolute classics in amongst the lunch menus etc.
Unfortunately for a company premised on being the SMS of the intertubes they can't charge for the medium in the way a telco can. How on earth a multi £loadsofdosh company could arise on the back of their product is a testament to the nuttiness of their investors.
Twitter will soon look and work like an unholy combination of Facebook, Linkedin and the rest and it's a race to the bottom. Shame really.