back to article Deutsche Telekom, Huawei: Let's rain on Amazon’s euro cloud together

Deutsche Telekom claims to have Amazon and Google in its sights (thanks to a little lens polishing from a Chinese big boy) as it ramps up its cloud business and attempts to dominate the sector in Europe. DT said it would step up its relationship with Huawei as part of the drive, which it said would double its cloud revenue …

  1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

    What choice in network kit?

    In the blue corner we have Cisco with the (alleged) NSA back doors.

    In the red corner we have Huawei with the (alleged) PRC backdoors.

    Ladies and gentlemen, pick our choice of partners now and place you bets! Complementary tubes of KY will be provided...

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: What choice in network kit?

      Remember that the Bundesnachrichtendienst plays errand boy to the NSA, and the NSA still taps the Merkelphone because they can.

      Data secure in Deutschland? Ja aber vielleicht.

    2. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

      Re: What choice in network kit?

      We have evidence for the NSA backdoors in Cisco Kit. Meanwhile, GCHQ has cleared Huawei as backdoor free.

      I'm buying Huawei.

  2. asdf


    With Huawei your data may or may not be safe to state actors but you are unlikely to ever know one way or another. At least with Cisco you know, it isn't.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Huawei

      Er, no. Supposedly Huawei was hacked by the NSA.

      Think how efficient it may be using Huawei - your data goes to both the PLA & the NSA!

      1. asdf

        Re: Huawei

        And yet you seem to assume the PLA doesn't have the skinny on Cisco as well. Based on how effective the Chinese have been with industrial espionage (such as war plane data) and even wholesale lifting of US government data I wouldn't assume Cisco is only an NSA risk. In fact as big as the Chinese market is they might have just pulled a Yahoo and willingly gave a back door.

  3. Tromos

    "subject to strict German data protection guidelines"

    Wot? Like Angela Merkel's phone?

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