back to article Innocent Spaniards roasted by experimental napalm mead

Regular Reg readers will be aware that our Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) rocket wrangler Paul "Lord Shax" Shackleton, when he's not lighting blue touchpapers, may be found brewing 18 per cent ABV mead or blowing his own head off with 1.5 million Scoville masala omelettes, featuring the awe-inspiring Carolina Reaper …

  1. x 7

    thats not a drink, its a sauce

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      thats not a drink, its a sauce

      Wow-wow sauce by the sound of it. Is it actually legal to send it by post without being enclosed in a large box full of kitty litter?

      1. Sarah Balfour

        Re: thats not a drink, its a sauce

        Sounds more like Scumble to me

    2. Graham Marsden

      I thought the SPB were concocting their own rocket fuel for the LOHAN mission!

      1. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

        I think we just did.

  2. emmanuel goldstein

    nice work. I've just taken delivery of a packet of Carolina Reaper seeds. As sold by the "puckerbutt pepper company'! Looking forward to growing them next year.

  3. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

    I think I will stick to mere Madame Jeanette peppers

    in my home-made sambal setan (Malay for "devil sauce"). Its bright orange colour gives fair warning of the heat (and it has a nice fruitiness I rather like)

    Icon, well,... obvious, innit?

    1. Len Goddard

      Re: I think I will stick to mere Madame Jeanette peppers

      I regularly make chilli con carne with Scotch Bonnet peppers. It is quite hot and the Scotch Bonnets actually add to the flavour. I tried with an equal number of Carolina Reapers. The result had less flavour and didn't seem significantly hotter. The downside was a nasty case of indigestion (a malady I do not usually suffer) which caused me to wake up in the night feeling as though I had swallowed a canon-ball.

      Overall I found the reaper a charmless vegetable. The Scotch Bonnet (or the ghost naga if you want something hotter) has a better flavour for cooking. I've not tried the Madame Jeanette - I'll have to see if I can locate some.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    More proof that people will try anything....

    If you combine said activity with alcohol.

  5. Chris G

    Ring for help

    Need help for ring.

    I don't want to contemplate a heavy night on that stuff, pain at both ends the next morning.

  6. BigFire

    Dare to be stupid

    It's Weird Al's tribute song to Devo, not actually encourage in real life.

  7. Mark 85

    I would hope that those brave volunteers were amply rewarded for their efforts. I'd be concerned about the excavator operator driving up in revenge mode and filling in your well.

    Seriously, well done. Those folks and you included, Lester, are all braver souls than I.

    1. Fungus Bob

      excavator operator's revenge

      With stuff that hot, he could fill the well by taking a crap in it.

  8. iLuddite


    At first glance, I was worried that the first two photos were a 'before and after' of Paul Shackleton.

  9. ashdav

    Where does one get this from

    All well and good but it's just a tease until we try it for ourselves.

    Mail order link please.

  10. Stoneshop

    Vodka with rawit

    About 10 of them, and "matured" for a week or two, is equally undrinkable straight, but diluted 1:5 with plain vodka it's pretty much OK. As a reference, I put 3 or 4 rawits in a nasi dish for three.

    1. x 7

      Re: Vodka with rawit

      you had me there for a second.......I read that as "3 or 4 rawits in a nasal dish......."

      the thought of the pain up your nose..

      1. TRT

        Re: Vodka with rawit

        Exactly. Do people want fire that can be fitted nasally?

  11. Chris Miller

    I've always assumed that the point of brewing was to create an alcoholic beverage that was actually pleasant to imbibe. I'm obviously missing something (but I don't think I'll miss it very much).

    1. Roo

      Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum

      "I've always assumed that the point of brewing was to create an alcoholic beverage that was actually pleasant to imbibe. I'm obviously missing something (but I don't think I'll miss it very much)."

      I think certain distillers aim higher and wider than that lofty goal. For example I found that Wray & Nephew's White Rum pretty handy for sipping, swilling with 'Ting', lighting BBQs, and dissolving grunge.

      I recommend treating it with respect, especially around naked flames (that is not a joke).

      1. Robert Helpmann??

        Re: Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum

        I've always assumed that the point of brewing was to create an alcoholic beverage that was actually pleasant to imbibe.

        Depends on the target customer, I guess. If you are aiming at high-schoolers who have only the goal of getting drunk, then not so much. However, if you are a craft brewer, I would hope so. My first thought on reading the description of this stuff was that it is a sure recipe for ulcers. Burn, Baby! Burn!

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Roo

          Re: Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum

          "It works surprisingly well in Mojitos, as well as shots"

          You are right it does make a cracking Mojito. :)

          Shame on Norway !

    2. Yag

      I've always assumed that the point of brewing was to create an alcoholic beverage that was actually pleasant to imbibe.

      Ever tried american beer?

      1. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

        In all fairness

        I have had one or two beers from American microbreweries, and (very much unlike most of the alleged beer from big US breweries) they were quite good. Still prefer a Westmalle Tripel or a Duvel, but that is a matter of taste

      2. TRT

        American beer...

        is like making love to a beautiful woman in a canoe. Fu**ing close to water.

  12. x 7

    Is the thread title a play on "Innocents raped by napalm fire" - from 21st Century Schizoid Man?

  13. Britt

    Been there, done that. To some peoples horror, trying to water it down with lemonade only increased its capacity to spread liquid fire around the mouth... oh how we chuckled.

  14. @thecoda

    I want some!

    My first thought on reading this was a strong desire to taste the stuff. Seriously... where can I get it?

  15. Mike Moyle

    Like drinking Tequila...?

    I.e.: Did anyone eat the pepper afterwards?

  16. Neomexicano

    Actually, letting four or five habaneros steep in a bottle of tequila for a few months makes for a wonderful tipple. A fast flush of heat that disappears quite quickly. Yum!

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