Microsoft Marketing Car Crashes.
I'm sure the Microsoft Surface problems (N.B.Not Surface Pro) are due to some MS bright spark cost cutting at the last minute, making the switch to using the Atom x7 Baytrail, rather than a Core-M processor, not realising the knock on development consequences. Intel had probably prioritised driver development for the Core-M, their flagship low power processor, over the Atom x7.
MS Surface desperately needs a Core-M to be taken seriously as a device.
As usual, lots of marketing mistakes from Microsoft, ditching the Modern App of Skype, just as you're launching a new Windows 10 OS, whose main new feature is Universal Apps, Modern Apps (across a few more platforms) in all but name. Telling everyone they should use the Win32 Desktop version, says they couldn't get the Universal App finished in time or functionally complete, with the API set of Universal Apps.
In marketing terms, its all very messy. MS do seem determined to stick to the July Release, it can only end in tears. I'm not sure October 2015 is even realistic, now.