Re: Galaxy Note 3 falling to bits after a year
Second-hand and very good windoze laptops or notebooks (except the batteries are usually at death's door) are very cheap, at least around here.
I had the impression that the Samsung devices had superlative hardware. Perhaps that is just because Apple has such a cute love/hate relationship with them?
Maybe the Japanese and Taiwanese makers are doing a better job? I do not know (well, I do a bit, but never let down an NDA). Note that Panasonic has a 'tough' Android tablet out, in the tradition of their 'tough' notebooks.
If your Galaxy is falling apart from tough conditions of use, maybe a 'tough' machine would be a better fit?
Really must spend more time in user fora.
Sorry I was not able to offer more constructive suggestions.
Question of my own. As an Android veteran, at least relative to me, if one downloads an android program for a charge, is it automatically transferrable to another device that one owns?
I have tried searching for the answer in Japanese and English for a few hours, asked at the provider's real shop (of course it is not up to them to answer), tried to find the info on Google's shop, thought of asking the maker of what I want to buy and want to be transferrable to another device, but that doesn't seem fair because I haven't bought it yet.