Google really is evil.
I'll leave of the whole discourse, socialization, shared memes, and power-conflct for a later date.
Google is going to have more staffers than any other company at the annual Bilderberg Group meeting of US and European leaders, which begins on Thursday in the resort town of Telfs-Buchen in Austria. Eric Schmidt, a longtime member of the Bilderberg set, will be attending this year's shindig, where the cream of society (and …
You say:
"possibly under the control of shape-shifting lizards, the Bavarian Illuminati, or the United Nations as part of a plan to bring about One World Government"
I prefer Milhouse's version:
"OK, here's what we've got: the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people -- under the supervision of the reverse vampires"
"In fact, it's more of a chance for world leaders in politics, business, and technology to exchange ideas frankly without having to hold back for fear of being quoted. "
Why should they be allowed this luxury? We're not.
If we must give up our civil liberties then our leaders should be under the microscope of absolute and unremitting transparency 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No secrets for us should absolutely mean no secrets for them.
The mere fact that the attendees are carefully self-selected means that this event cannot ever be neutral. People in power are there get enough concessions already, and such secrecy cannot be to anyone's advantage but their select group. Very disappointing that this article gives them that leeway as "fact".
People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be consistent with liberty and justice. But though the law cannot hinder people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them necessary.
Wealth of Nations Adam Smith (1723–1790)
I completely agree Trevor.
My naive optimism thought for a moment this is nothing more than the rich kids in the playground exchanging encrypted notes as part of their 'super secret' club. Maybe this is how the ultra rich and powerful just get their kicks.
Then again, maybe not... This level of secrecy, like TTIP, too often suggests items not for the common good.
The attendee list is only partial, Hillary and Barry Obama went during their campaign in 2008 together, they had their team lie to the press who were assembled on a charted jet and locked them on the plane flying somewhere else while they had their "private meeting"
Try watching the "End game" by Alex Jones free on youtube with collective views in excess of 40 million over various channels and platforms. Cheers
our equivalent of cesg just announced that the bundestag pc network must be scrapped due to cyber attack.
the bilderbergs certainly have the power to cut down the size of the cyber war domain by stopping the use of the c language, the most important enabler of cyber war.
maybe they can pay for a the train ticket for niklaus wirth from zurich. he could tell them how to umdo the damage their bell labs buddies effected.
The correct statement is "stopping the use of cheap crap programmers who don't understand what they are doing and fail to apply best practice when coding and the multitude of tools that already exist to help"
If you are really looking for a scape-goat for info sec woes, how about Office and VB plugins?
As for the bundestag pc network being scrapped and replaced, maybe that is a final way to get rid of XP and force all users on to something more secure, reliable, and supported?
Lets just hope they check the PC suppliers are not using NSA-infected HDD should they decide to keep with Windows known boot loader...
These are not the droid you are looking for..."move along move along " says the Austrian federal police one of 2,100 storm troopers paid by the Austrian tax payer not Bilderberg with their 6.5 mile exclusion zone bigger than manhatten!
Security around the venue in western Austria is ultra-tight, with police stopping anyone not invited getting anywhere near the venue -- on pain of a 500-euro ($565) fine.
Some 2,100 extra police will be on duty over the coming days, with protesters planning to stage a demonstration on Saturday, and the only road leading to the hotel is blocked.
And for good measure, the Kronen-Zeitung tabloid cited the military as saying a "special low-altitude radar is in position and Kiowa helicopters armed with machine guns are carrying out patrols".
For this kind of over-the-top X-files levels of security I would hope that they are finishing Himmler's plan to summon the Ancients using hebrew letters cunningly painted in silver inside a pentagram shape (I suppose the Bilderbergs have lore on this, right?)
Then Google wonks will try to tame it and connect it to us all: "Search Ancient wisdom directly using the new Google brain interface"
When the sheeple wake up, it will be too late and ISIS will be the last chance of humanity...