Thing is,
in a lot of cases, he's bloody right!!!!
A Nobel prize-winning scientist has apologised after he told sexist anecdotes at a conference for top women boffins in South Korea. Sir Tim Hunt, who has been a Fellow of the Royal Society since 1991, utterly misjudged his audience with these ridiculous comments: Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things …
in the general case, he's being bloody stupid.
In a sufficiently-sized same-sex lab, you'll very likely get the same effect. So, should we ban gays from science? Institute single-orientation labs as well? Or feed everyone bromium?
I completely understand:
- his need for optimization (hello, Reg reader here after all),
- he didn't mean it completely seriously,
- what he was trying to say.
And I think this is being blow way out of proportion. Still, for a Nobel prize laureate, he shouldn't have said that.
Why does Tim Hunt think a lab is any different from any other workplace?
I work in an office. There are women and there are men. We know to keep our working relationships professional. We know about the rules regarding appropriate (and inappropriate) behaviour. We all get along fine. Work gets done.
What is so special about him that none of this applies to him???
Winnie from the wonder years has turned out to be a rather lovely looking lady and has the maths cred as well
Well, it's one paper she's known for, really, and co-authored with two other people. But it's a good paper on the statistical mechanics of magnetic domains and, AIUI, an important result in that area, even if it's only for the 2D case.
(There are a few pieces online that explain the theorem without going into all the gritty details, and it's worth a look if you're at all curious about what goes on in the world of statistical mechanics, which is interesting in terms of scientific epistemology. Statistical mechanics is basically a way of saying, look, we can't model all this stuff individually - it's infeasible - so let's consider the average, aggregate behavior. Then work like this proves formal consequences of those approximate models. It's a much more sophisticated view of scientific thinking than grade-school explanations of "the scientific method" and other middlebrow glosses.)
"Elderly man puts foot in mouth news at 11."
While he didn't exactly cover himself in glory with what he said I've certainly seen and heard worse inappropriate comments from people his age.
For the record I am as much a Feminist as anyone, I truly believe Women should be treated as if they are equal.
Almost certainly deliberate, I think. It's a Richard Herring quote.
I am all in favour of equality, but examination and education systems in the West seem to have been adjusted to favour the gab of the girls. Graduates in bullshit degrees with no or negative value are overwhelmingly women.
State subsidies for those meaningless qualifications are also absurdly high, even though the idiot students (male or female) are overwhelmingly drawn from the upper and top of middle class.
Looked at University entrance figures lately, and the proportion of courses that are utter bullshite? I am sorry for the brighter boys, they are being thrown on the rubbish pile of society, treated as automatic problems by female PC teachers from primary school.
Hollerith 1,
You are quite wrong.
That is a social class, school tie thing.
The 'managers, senior people, even CEOs etc in later life' are generally dullards, this is exactly why there was a rush to abolish the moves towards meritocracy that had been made in many places outside the communist countries during the depths of the Cold War, well before the betrayal of the USSR.
Not to mention the women who do get reasonable degrees drop out of the field as soon as they have a kid, leading to shortages of professionals in the industry (ex: doctors).
The reason why the education system and everything else favours women and girls at the expense of men and boys is because they constitute over 50% of the voters. Considering democracy is a system that imposes the wishes of the many on the few, and considering how women consistently vote in favour of security at the expense of personal liberty, we really were screwed the minute we gave them the vote.
As for equality, women only want it when they can reap the benefits without assuming any of the responsibilities (think white collar jobs), not when it comes to taking a shell for their country, or when it comes to fixing the sewer.
Of course, when I say women, I DO NOT mean your girl next door who has a STEM degree, is the field boss at a construction site, and raises 3 kids at home all by herself. She would be the exception, not the norm. And before you ask, I am adequately endowed and do not live in my mother's basement.
"Not to mention the women who do get reasonable degrees drop out of the field as soon as they have a kid, leading to shortages of professionals in the industry (ex: doctors)."
Odd, my experience was a break from work, then return to work. Since I've retired from the military, I've worked under a handful of women managers.
Great managers, saw the odds and ends missed by others.
And strangely, our eldest daughter is a medical professional, who has delivered a grand and final total of three grandchildren for our admiration and joy. She remained working as a medical professional, within a very reasonable time period between deliveries.
So, I suspect one of two things are possible here.
You are a lying asshole.
You are working for the most effete corporation on the planet.
Would the headquarters be located in France?
Congratulations! You have earned my down vote. An event quite epic, due to the rarity of the usage of a down vote.
I'm reminded of a personal introduction card I saw back in the tail end of the 1970's, early 1980's. One particular model I was quite fond of read, "Methinks thou art an asshole".
Although, that is in error, I do not think that, I know that as a certain fact equal with the law of gravity.
"No. We can respect them as equals right now. The Army can catch-up when it can."
I have only one argument, globally. *Which* Army? US, UK, Russian Federation, Salvation Army?
I really would prefer a preface of the nation being spoken of, to more accurately deliver my thermonuclear tipped venomous barb.
I've personally operated with many military national forces, so I know where and how to deliver the killing stroke. But only if the asshole admits to which nation he or she comes from.
Spelling isn't 100%.
Then, there's the entire mess of foreign nationals working for national forces, playing psyops games.
The best thing would be to get rid of the defamatory expressions "men's" or "womens". No more mens and womens tennis, golf, football rowing running quotas preferences etc. etc. what a great world we could have.
p.s. I have to agree with Sir Tim. I have seen all of the conditions he described, plus a few more. Having done thyroid function tests on young still living at home female workmates in the 60's it could be embarrassing at the time.
As iodine has been in salt to prevent the occurence of goitre, an iodine deficiency since early in the 20th century your comment does not address my 1960s. You obviously do not know that the contraceptive pill, even in women with normal thyroid function, reduces the production of T4 thyroid hormone. Hence my comments regarding age, residency and gender of the workmates.
p.s. I have to take T3 (thyroxine), not because of any iodine deficiency, but because of the most common auto-immune disease. It was detected by thyroid function tests (T3, T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone levels plus thyroid auto-antibodies). Additional iodine has no effect.
if we are to counting the abominable effort with the wonderful Christian Bale, is to arrive in cinemas this year. Will Arnold require full CG?
I loved Terminator III, so am expecting many downvotes.
I have no idea about thyroid supplements, R Callan, but you are getting the vote from me.
"We can 'treat them as equals' as soon as we have a mandated 50/50 quota for them in the army."
Well, your assholeship, I am a US Army retiree, however I will admit some admiration from various Commonwealth SAS gentlemen who quite enjoyed watching myself and my team work under my leadership, during a mutual aid mission.
Considering that scope of work experience and military experience and rank, may I direct you to fuck yourself with a 40mm bore brush?
"as if they are equal" -- well, AC is certainly not literate. "as if" requires to be followed by the subjunctive, so it should have read "as if they were equal". But then AC claims to be a feminist, and I've never found feminists to be particularly hot on logic.
AC is certainly not literate. "as if" requires to be followed by the subjunctive
So - you're an idiot prescriptivist who doesn't understand linguistics or English usage, and you can't come up with a less awkward phrasing than "requires to be followed".
Maybe you should come back after you've learned to write in a marginally articulate fashion.
Or, better, just stay away.
This post has been deleted by its author
It seems more than 98% of the world consists of heterosexuals (well according to a BBC survey) so I wouldn't expect him to have to qualify his remarks as he seems to have been talking in general terms only. I don' t think he's claiming that all women fall in love with him or vice verse and nor do I think he's suggesting that all women cry when given any form of criticism.
As I type, the lez couple above my tiny flat are doing their usual act of stamping about late at night.
I suppose the mannish one I have never seen may be defined as a different 'gender', but I will get downvotes galore by reference to 'gender' as a grammatical thing in most languages.
Sorry, no matter how hard you try to imagime, or how harsh the surgical interventions, biological sex generally trumps so-called 'gender'. Of course, sexual preference adds another level.
'Gender'as used by the PC crowd, is a nonsensical formulation.
I speak as one who is a little admired dressing as a woman, but having enjoyed many x-y years, would never say 'I am really a woman'.
Truly, that phenomenon is nonsense, Jenner included. He would never have won the decathlon with a record score if he had really been a woman.
I am beyond definition, sure not a 'transvestite'.
Your post displays true ignorance. Perhaps I have rather more knowledge and social experience of that on which I speak than thee?
Perhaps I have experienced a lifetime of being bullied for being a bit 'girly' and annoyingly being assumed, for that reason, to be gay?
I was last assaulted only last week, lost consciousness, have a broken rib and, still, congealed blood in my hair, fortunately not a sharp fracture but still extremely painful, eleven days later.
Perhaps that gives me a little more qualification to comment than you?
Maybe I am an idiot just because of the concussion? Concussion is such fun.
I am far from an idiot. If you want on of the best Toastar and Buttar experiences, buy a ripe avococado. Some good bread (not crap sugar-filled garbage). Lightly toast the bread.
Spread butter on the result. Not always, but it does make the
result extra-delicious. Promite, whatever 'mite' on top of that. Pro is my fave, although the import shop chain where I can buy it died recently.
Your problem, I would guess, is to find an avocado that is ripe but not rotten, or one that is not ripe and will stay that way until you have to throw it out.
On top of the 'mite', to my preference Promite, a lavish serve of fresh mashed avocado, pepper and a little lemon on that (not essential), your mouth and tummy will be in heaven.
Off the top of my head: human *bilogical* genders, as dictated by genetics and hormone levels:
XX (Androgenic, non-PCOS)
XX (Androgenic, PCOS origin)
XXY (Klinefelter)
XXY (Non-Klinefelter, Male identity)
XXY (Non-Klinefelter, Female identity)
XXY (Non-Klinefelter, Binary identity)
In addition, humans can be born as chimeras (sometimes called "mosaic individuals") containing cells that consist of two or more combinations of the above. (Though there had yet to be a documented case of a human chimera with more than two origin cells.) Chimeras are where two distinct zygotes fuse into a single being. Instead of having the DNA of only one individual, some % of the cells (usually half) are from one individual and some % of the cells (usually half) are from another.
This can lead to human chimeras where, for example, half the individual's cells are XX and half are XY. More than that; it's not just the sex chromosomes that are different, the entire DNA is different, as different as they would be between brother and sister. That is because, in effect, the chimera(XX, XY) is their own brother and sister.
All of this is before we get into epigenetic issues that can cause hormonal changes in individuals from a young age which absolutely can and do alter gender identity at a very fundamental level during or before puberty.
Human "sexes" are not binary. We have way the hell more than just two biological sexes, and we have even more genders. All from a biological and hormonal perspective, without needing to touch "choice" as part of the equation.
And I am sure I'm missing a few in my list above. Check your prejudice, eh?
Have you got a source for those non Kilinefelter XXY? Noodling round Wikipedia doesn't seem to substantiate, although there is a nice table of the karyotypes which is more extensive than you list.
Anyway, while I recognise it's coming from the right place, I remain sceptical of the argument that says "we have the way hell than just two biological sexes". As best I can tell, we do have two (maybe three) sexes: one with testes, one with ovaries and perhaps one with ovatestes. That decision is driven by the karyotype (generally a functioning SRY gene). And if everything works through to puberty, then the gonads will deliver one of two phenotypes (with it being unpredictable which phenotype someone with ovatestes will end up with). Most people fall clearly into the phenotype associated with their gonads, but a few don't. Some people, for whatever reason, end up feeling they are the wrong phenotype. Those people would do anything to be be a "normal" man or woman. Multiplying the number of sexes doesn't help. You're saying "hey these people might be in another category entirely"; it's more or less like a cis woman who says to a non-cis woman, "you don't have my experience, you have your own experience". The argument can't be won by pointing at a gene or brain scan; the phenotype people feel is a subjective thing and that has to be accepted, before we even get to the performance of "gender".
Wikipedia has an article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Klinefelter_XXY. Off the top of my head, I know of no other sources, as the whole list was pulled from memory, and sexuality isn't my specialty when it comes to genetics.
"As best I can tell, we do have two (maybe three) sexes: one with testes, one with ovaries and perhaps one with ovatestes."
You choose to see it that way. Why you feel a need to simplify reality down to something more basic is beyond me, but it seems to be important to you. That need on your part, however, isn't reality.
A functioning SRY gene, for example, doesn't make you a male. It may cause - and does in all but a handful of edge cases - the development of male genitals, but it doesn't mean that the full suite of male hormones are extant and at levels that are normative.
Similarly, females can be androgenic which makes for a massively different life than non-androgenic females. It's a completely different sex, and it strongly contributes to gender identity, but isn't the whole of the basis for it.
Sex is about more than the phenotypic presentation of gonads. It involves everything from endocrine presentation (hormone levels) to neuroconstruction (which varies between the sexes, including neurotransmitter baselines.)
"Some people, for whatever reason, end up feeling they are the wrong phenotype. Those people would do anything to be be a "normal" man or woman."
Not all. Typically this presents in highly conservative cultures where prejudice is dominant. Elsewhere, where begin different is okay, the need to "be normal" isn't as important.
"Multiplying the number of sexes doesn't help."
Help what? Simplify things down to your binary view of sex? Reality doesn't tend to care how we choose to view the world.
"You're saying "hey these people might be in another category entirely"; it's more or less like a cis woman who says to a non-cis woman, "you don't have my experience, you have your own experience". "
The cis woman in your example would be correct.
"The argument can't be won by pointing at a gene or brain scan; the phenotype people feel is a subjective thing and that has to be accepted, before we even get to the performance of "gender"."
Wrong. Genetics and hormone levels can tell us biological gender. And there are a hell of a lot more than just two genders. Each biological gender will have it's own reality. The drive, experience, motivations, and biological impetus towards a gender identity will be different for each. For that matter, sexual preference is predominantly biological too, though some people do make a choice that is counter to their biological inputs. (There are, for example, plenty of documented cases where homosexual individuals chose heterosexual lifestyles in order to be normative.)
"Gender" is the result of all of this. Biological, environmental (epigenetic) and environmental (cultural) forcing all coming together to create the identity of the individual.
Well, you have been well-conditioned, in the B.F. Skinner sense.
All of the states you cite are on a scale from very rare to astronomically rare.
It is a bullshit argument, but I must congratulate you on how well you have rote-learnt it.
I have (or at least had in the womb) a hormonal imbalance, small tits even as a very skinny 13 yo, endless insults at anything requiring a changing room, swimming comp., but I did win enough there to get no insults later ... until the next time.
Small hands, slender arms, almost no Adam's apple, upper body strength of the average healthy girl, former girlfriends saying 'well, at least you have a boy's bum.'
So, I sometimes thought I was born as the wrong sex (note that I refuse to say 'gender').
I decided to take advantage of my slight natural advantages a few years ago, and switch when I can and have the time. It is fun, and I have enjoyed learning about dressing and makeup.
Joined a club that was generally horrible, the occasional post-op would drop in, to stay consise, one very nice person announced to me 'I am crazy', she'd been to Thailand for the 'op', showed me the results, she said she greatly regretted it 'Now I can't feel anything.'
She was a very nice person, the end of any thought for me of 'going all the way'. Among the best advice I have had in my life, and graphically demonstrated by the display of the result of the surgery.
Have you read Great Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds? The 'gender' idiocy would surely fit.
Jenner? It is part adventure of a very wealthy old man, part clawing at the top spot in the stupid 'reality TV' show he is in. Six times a father, always felt 'all woman'? Just a lie.
I saw a list of the surgery for Jenner so far today, all cosmetic, what a waste of time and money.
But we should all applaud his courage in braving the ridicule from choosing to use a fashionable mis-pronounced Irish name such as Caitlin. I suppose we should all be thankful he didn't call himself Róisín and announce himself as "Raisin". Or use a faux-French name like "Chantelle"..... I have a relative who swears she came across some kids calling themselves "Gooey" and "Zoh", in fact written as Guy and Zoe :)
And just dismissing a perfectly correct description of these Female Nazi's makes your reply even less important than "null and void". Contractions of word pairs are very common even if you don't like the subject or the phrase.
The chip on many womens' shoulders today is just amazing. Just as with minorities, the overcompensation of a "politically correct" society has resulted in arbitrary and capricious reverse discrimination and quotas that runs rampant over more qualified white males. Now that we've "entitled" them, they think no one should even criticize them.
I say it is time they grew up and learned that they have to solve their own problems without literally blackmailing anyone.
The ONLY qualifiers should be "Show me how you do the job", and "Who is the most qualified of all candidates?" not your sex, race or interests.
Most adults are capable of working in a mixed sex environment without giggling like a school kid. If colleagues are falling for each other, is it too much to ask that they be professional about it and not let in affect their work? No need for gender segregation. Despite what Tim Hunt may think, he's more than likely not [deity]'s gift to the opposite sex (or the same sex, for that matter), so they'll probably be able to keep their hands off him - be nice if he did the same, hmm?
As for the crying thing, if he's making his colleagues burst into tears on a regular basis, most likley he is the problem, not them.
Feminazi? Frightened of women not conforming to your hausfrau stereotype, are you?
You seem to be reading more into what he says than is really there. He didn't say that all women he works with fall for him and I don't think there's any implication that he thinks he's "god's gift".
He's merely reporting an observation, or more precisely observations.
Your reaction tells me more about you than it does about him.
The observations - that men and women are incapable of working together without falling in love, and that women are emotional timebombs - are both obviously bollocks. Sir Hunt may be incapable of working in a mixed environment, but most people are better adjusted than he.
"Are the writer of this article and the whiney brigade saying that what he said is not true ?"
Well, it preserves civilization, such as it is.
Because, to be blunt, he'd be offered a brief opportunity to retract, then his airway would be destroyed and his spine would be defunct at the C2 level.
First, I have more than one daughter. Second, we've shifted location to support a unit under attack, which had women firing quite effectively and maneuvering highly effectively.
Finally, never piss of a man who can kill you instantly.
I retired, I was unable to turn in my experience, training or operational capability.
Gave you an up, but don't forget, reg. comments really are free most of the time, whiners who try to silence others are few, maybe you need to have a few deep breaths after you escape from whatever nasty 'net environment you were in to this thankfully slower one.
Rajendra Pachauri. I could see them co-operating on a series of novels where misogynist professors are besieged by attractive, eager, emotional, young female researchers desperate for the sort of sex you can only get from elderly scientists...
I strongly suspect alcohol may have been involved, I gather the speech was 'after dinner'. The man is a fool.
..the Twittersphere lurches into action, ready to take major offense and vilify anyone unfortunate enough not to have pre-written and proof read every statement they make in public.
Yes, it was not very smart, or sensitive, or appropriate. However I doubt the sentiment behind it quite justifies the strength of the response.
Thank you for a note of sanity.
If I had a buck for every comment on teh Intarwebz today that has completely, utterly and abjectly missed the point both of what he was trying to say, and simultaneously why he shouldn't have said it, at least not in the words he did... I could retire.
Say what you want as long as I agree with it. Freedom of speech as long as I approve of it. Humour is acceptable as long as I find it funny. Opinions are good as long as they match mine.
Wow we sound tolerant dont we. I thought I read somewhere that while he admitted to making a joke he does stand by some of what he said. Regardless of that its his opinion and we are free to agree/disagree as we please and consider him right or wrong based on our own noggins. If he cant work with girls it is his problem, I am sure there are women out there who dont want to work with boys too, I aint gonna go nuts over it.
If it was ment as humour then it doesnt appear to have been understood by the audience. If it was ment as opinion then he is entitled to it but his is but one opinion. There seems to be such a rush to be offended.
It would have been nice if he has looked at his audience and thought a second before he made his 'ighthearted' jokes. We would expect him, in front of, say, an Indian audience, to rein back on the ethnic lightheartedness, but it seems that he couldn't do that in front of women.
I also presume that his samples of women who fall in love with research colleagues and then cry at criticism are not many. Perhaps his own experience, or of labs 30-40 years ago? So he's extrapolating rather feely, for a scientist.
@ Hollerith 1
"It would have been nice if he has looked at his audience and thought a second before he made his 'ighthearted' jokes."
I see what your saying but maybe he did think about it for a second. Maybe he thought longer about it. Maybe he is used to a different audience. Maybe he didnt think it through, panicked, and said the best thing he could think of. The question is did he set out to offend, if not then he probably didnt see a problem with saying it at the time. Most people dont go out of their way to do so. When I read that bit of your comment I go back to the start of mine-
"Say what you want as long as I agree with it. Freedom of speech as long as I approve of it. Humour is acceptable as long as I find it funny. Opinions are good as long as they match mine."
The "how dare you be offended by something offensive!" brigade, I mean.
Because clearly, being angry about this one man's stupid remarks MUST mean that you are opposed to all speech you disagree with, and that everybody must vet themselves at all time, and nobody may say anything remotely controversial, and it's feminazi political correctness gone mad.
Or at least, that's what I see from the commentards above, who might want to reflect that if they can't defend this guy without resorting to absurd straw man arguments, perhaps they should rethink their positions...
Unfortunately, the PC police are taking everything to an extreme these days. There is no room for individual thoughts or comments because everything is being examined for "non conformity" with the groupthink message that some believe must be obeyed "or else". You can't even offer an opinion without offending at least one overly sensitive party these days. People my age don't care much anymore, if you don't like the opinion, then read between the lines. The truth may hurt, but it is still the truth regardless.
Unrequited love certainly comes in different forms but the upshot is that it is quite distracting for at least one of the involved parties and that affects the research being done.
You can't really treat women as equals with men as they will still pull out the "weaker sex" card when they don't like what's being demanded of them. Firefighters, Military and Police and other first responder jobs don't allow that game to be played nearly as much, while Office jobs still do.
The fact is that you still shouldn't consider any "relationship" at work unless one of you leaves.
> You can't really treat women as equals with men as they will still pull out the "weaker sex" card when they don't like what's being demanded of them.
I've worked in laboratories where some of my female colleagues, while expecting to be paid the same as their male counterparts, point-blank refused to do any of the dirty, smelly or physically demanding work required by the job.
I blame the Uni faculties who were prepared to bend over backwards to attract female students to the Sciences for inculcating this attitude.
Sadly we'll never get to discuss why he is wrong because the red and purple folk have drowned out all conversation.
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Girls do better at boys in school, up to a certain age. It then appears that girls self-censor or restrict themselves, either int he face of male hostility at female success, or because their lifelong understanding of male importance makes them back off. The general response is 'we must work harder to make sure boys aren't disadvantaged'. Why don't we accept that there are differences in potential AND ability and let the girls forge ahead? Teach boys to step back when a girl is doing better?
It's extremely tedious to get the same old 'feminazi' comments when women protest against a few examples from one man's life being used (by him) as a 'silly girls' generalisation. And people wonder why so few women go into IT. I keep thinking I am used to it, and then it comes foaming out again at new stories like this and I have to climb into the armour again as my colleagues try to get me to back-mouth other women over a single incident.
If the girls self-censor then its often due to the influence of their own female peers, not any male teen.
But your argument indicates that he is correct and if self-sex schools make girls succeed then self-sex labs would do the same as well.
Incidentally the trivialisation of sexist bigots by yourself
'It's extremely tedious to get the same old 'feminazi' comments when women protest against a few examples from one man's life being used (by him) as a 'silly girls' generalisation'
Makes me wonder how you would react to the reverse and if you would find that trivial?
The 'confusion a lot of women seem to have is 'what is a woman' and how they feel compelled by other women to behave in a particular manner no matter what they wish. The classic example is the woman who finds her female friends for not be enough of a feminist (or for being too much of one). If women stopped judging each other and allowed women to live in the manner of their own choosing then women might have a better time.
Dear Mr or Ms Bastard, or 'Lucki', if I may be informal, I agree that the pressure to self-censor can come from other girls, and does very, very often. However, that's just a result of the same stuff we all hear from our infancy.
There is a lot ot be said for same-sex labs and schools. Girls regularly do very well in both maths and sciences at an all-girls school, and this often (from studies I have read) gives them the confidence to enter, and cope within, a male-dominated area of work -- because they've had their confidence sustained for so long. As a working environment, an all-female lab would be considered absurd, ridiculous, as would an IT department, but fewer eyebrows are raised when it's an all-male lab or all-male IT department. yet I'd sign up for an all-female IT department in a heartboat. (Chaps, queue to the left to make your 'ooo, so would I' comments.)
I do not trivialise sexual bigots. But I am so used to them that my rage-o-meter finally won't ring the alarm bell any more. I was in a job where the sort of comments Tim Hunt made would be considered pretty OK, compared to the other jaw-dropping shit. I could also talk about the racism, but that was a very unhappy place.
My ideal would be to work with those holding a feminist understanding of the world. That is to say, with women and men who saw their world as one where women and men were equally capable, equally human beings, and equally deserving of respect. IT IS NOT HARD. And yet, every day, women who should support women don't, and men who should know women as human beings apparently find that mind-boggling or laughable, and every day the world stays mean-spirited, intolerant, unequal, and sad.
My ideal would be to work with those holding a feminist understanding of the world.
Good idea. Insulate yourself with people who think exactly like yourself. Good thing your perspective is so perfect that other ideas don't need to permeate your mind.
Because equality for all is such a sick, twisted concept that by dealing with people who aspire to that you become a bad person.
Duly noted.
Avoid Preston.
You should avoid me, but because I'm likely to tell anyone (including my closest friends) to fuck off at a moment's notice. To ensure that I treat everyone equally, I hit everyone with the same shitstick.
I'm impressed with the restraint of your response to "Lucki" because my first instinct, after reading so many tedious and predictable Feminazi comments, was "Just piss off and let the women deal with the women's response to each other, you go and focus on not being an arsehole".
But I've taken a breather....ommmmm....I've also had to deal with far worse shit that Hunt has said, but then these people were not on a public stage representing "Science", they were just petty men who felt threatened by women on their turf. Yes he's allowed to say whatever he wants, within the law, but the point is that the context of his comments have influence. He wasn't overheard in a pub whining about crying women (and the rare women I work with would rather swallow rusty nails than cry at work and show weakness to idiots like him), he was on a public stage, talking to women about how they cry and have emotions, dammit, and they should be cordoned off so they stop distracting men and their hormones. It's an incredibly outdated viewpoint, perhaps as can be expected from a 72 yr old man, and if he can't understand the message he sends out by saying it then he should be making grovelling apologies.
As for who judges girls and women more, women or men, I think you don't fully appreciate the cultural conditioning we all go through from a very early age. Studies with Primary school teachers have made them think about the messages they send about boys being strong and clever and girls being pretty and quiet (these messages come from both male and female teachers). It's a societal message that we all still live with and daft comments like this do nothing to help either gender. There are campaigns to increase the number of men back into Primary school teaching and midwifery, and other areas where women dominate as well as the increase women in STEM roles campaigns. It is better for all of us that anyone should be allowed to do what they are good at, without having choices removed because of some outdated assumptions about what each gender should behave like. Society is responsible for those messages, both men and women, and we all have a responsibility to try and change them without making stupid feminazi digs, because that doesn't make you either strong or clever.
I would add statistical factors, the bell-curve is much narrower for girls, at both the moron and genius ends, the tails are much longer for the boys.
A Hawkins now, before his syndrome came into play, would beo thrown into the 'boys are bad' category, that it is what education is now designed to do, instead of learning his spoken language, mathematics and physics, he would be subjected to a curriculum consisting of strange propaganda, never have made any of his achievements in theory.
My hypothetical examination question below typifies the trends in 'education'.
'Sir Isaac Newton is credited with the co-invention of differential calculus and the inverse-square law in gravity'.
In from fifty to one hundred words, explain how
A. Isaac Newton was simply relying on earlier and superior Islamic sources.
B. Newton's deductions, if valid, were a pure expression of the patriarchal order of his times. With rockets, we know that what goes up doesn't always come down. Present a cogent feminist essay on the role of the phallus in the thought of Newton.
C. Newton had secret contact with sages from ancient India, by learning levitation from them, he grew to understand gravity. Write about his learning processes.
D. Write about a computer program you would like to imagine Ada Countess Lovelace may like to have written to embody any theory of Newtom. The code doesn't have to work, if you end up in that world, the boys will write it, but if you take this question, you get bonus for reactions on Twitter and Facebook (you did know accounts on both sites were compulsory when you enrolled?)
Etc. That is an exaggeration, but close to the truth, I am happy that the feminist bullies only affected me in one or two subjects at late high school, none at uni.
I am aware that many women are good coders. I am just commenting, and clearly, most westernwomen, even if they have the nous for programming, chemistry, maths, physics, almost always choose
the bullshit courses, leading to a highly paid job talking crap in broadcasting, bureaucrat, or law.
I would add statistical factors, the bell-curve is much narrower for girls, at both the moron and genius ends, the tails are much longer for the boys.
A Hawkins now, before his syndrome came into play, would be thrown into the tip 'boys are bad' and throwx on that category, that it is what education is now designed to do, instead of learning his spoken language, mathematics and physics, he would be subjected to a curriculum consisting of strange propaganda, never have made any of his achievements in theory.
My hypothetical examination question below typifies the trends in 'education'.
The questions are for a quite realstic 'physics' test.
Here we go, the test.
'Sir Isaac Newton is credited with the co-invention of differential calculus and the inverse-square law in gravity'.
In from fifty to one hundred words, explain how
A. Isaac Newton was simply relying on earlier and superior Islamic sources.
B. Newton's deductions, if valid, were a pure expression of the patriarchal order of his times. With rockets, we know that what goes up doesn't always come down. Present a cogent feminist essay on the role of the phallus in the thought of Newton.
C. Newton had secret contact with sages from ancient India, by learning levitation from them, he grew to understand gravity. Write about his learning processes.
D. Write about a computer program you would like to imagine Ada Countess Lovelace may like to have written to embody any theory of Newtom. The code doesn't have to work, impmressionistic descriptions are fine, after all, if you end up in that world, the boys will write it for you IF you cannot, but if you take this question, you get bonus for reactions on Twitter and Facebook (you did know accounts on both sites were compulsory when you enrolled?)
Etc. That is an exaggeration, but close to the truth, I am happy that the feminist bullies only affected me in one or two subjects at late high school, none at uni.
I am aware that many women are good coders. I am just commenting, and clearly, most westernwomen, even if they have the nous for programming, chemistry, maths, physics, almost always choose
the bullshit courses, leading to a highly paid job talking crap in broadcasting, bureaucrat, or law.
"Girls do better at boys in school, up to a certain age. It then appears that girls self-censor or restrict themselves, either int he face of male hostility at female success, or because their lifelong understanding of male importance makes them back off"
So it's the fault of males, rather than boys maturity catching up ?
The interview where he attempts to apologise certainly made it sound like a total Ratner moment. He thought it would make the audience laugh, he didn't understand that there would be journalists in the audience who wouldn't see the funny side.
It's been a long time since I worked in a research lab, but while a semi-conductor lab wasn't split evenly 50/50 there were no shortage of women working there, more that 25% I'd say. Most women I knew there were involved with/married to other scientists. I guess that was there social circle. There were office liaisons, just like any other office. I didn't fall in love with any of them, but that's not the only option, I certainly fell in lust with one, so that's near enough to point 1. By the same token point 2 would hold true. I can't say I ever saw any of the female scientists or engineers in the teams cry if you argued against their points/theories and they'd be just as happy to fight their corner. So I'd have to disagree with point 3 until I saw evidence to back up the claim.
In a later job I did fall for a female engineer, 25 years later we're still happily married. But a long time back the women in the group were encouraged to watch a series of videos about women in business, this was written presented by Pat Heim and she commented that in her experience that some women often felt that criticism of an idea of theirs was taken as a criticism of them. The way that this was presented was not as a put down, but trying to tell her audience not to associate the two and not to take things personally. Perhaps this is where Sir Tim got his ideas from.
The way he stated this wasn't the best, but I will say this much: There's a reason that most people who could be considered experts in such things advocate avoiding romantic relationships with coworkers. I don't think there's any need to go so far as to make single-sex labs since adults should have the sense to either avoid letting the relationship get un professional or request a transfer if it is headed that way, but there's a lot to be said for avoiding romantic entanglements in the workplace, be that a lab or an office or a server room.
I once had to request a transfer to another work area because a romantic relationship was budding with one of my coworkers. Another time I made a go of it with a coworker without requesting a transfer. I've been there, and trust me. It's better not to work in the same area as your SO.
If you read what he said he wasn't saying "avoid relationships with your colleagues" he said "Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab; you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry." So, women - actually girls, not even women - should be shifted out. Not that restraint should be shown, or stop making anyone cry, girls should be cordoned off. It's not just clumsy, he's denying his own actions contribute to the scenario he describes.
Nor do they always translate. And after years of lecturing in Seoul, I wouldn't try and be ironic with an audience there unless I knew them well. The same would hold true for a great many countries I've lectured in.
Obviously, when a Martian gave a funny talk to Venusians, it definitely didn't translate. Oh well, SNAFU galore.
At work and, once that happens, their working relationship becomes tinted with personal aspects.
Anyone claiming it doesn't happen is either in denial or an idiot.
However, the remedy to this is not in a single-sex environment but in dealing with the particular couple as and when that happens. What specifically should be done depends on the individuals and the circumstances. Transfer one to a different lab, dismiss both, or let things remain unchanged? - these are the usual managerial choices and they haven't changed for good 100s of years. They work and they don't need reinventing the wheel.
I'm saying all this as someone who has a [very happy] personal experience with all 3 "things" as well as with having to "solve" the problem - in an office, rather than in a lab, admittedly, though.
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What is really tragic is when someone from a cult religion makes you feel like a target of love, and it's only for recruitment, but of course, they are so brainwashed.
People overseas have the strange idea of Buddhism, I am, as anyone to seeing posts here long term will knowing, not so interesting I know, part Buddhist, part Christian, part pure physics.
What westerners don't know, is our post (and during) WWII cult factory has nothing to doing with true Buddhism. Soka Gakkai? It is a joke, praying for money. I gather it remains popular in the Uk. It does not represent true Buddhism in any form,
I had one or two friends from it, but they soon lose interest if you say 'sorry, I am not to be a convert.'
I think the worst is a cult called 真光 (true light, or pure light)。It has no real connection to any kind of Buddhism, but has a strange attraction to northern European women, its declared intnention is death for them.
The town is split, east of the tracks is a beautiful historical town at the foot of beautiful mountains, to the west is their ugly temple, if they are having one of their gatherings, there is nowhere to stay. I was very pleased to hear the receptionist at the hotel where I finally got an overpriced room pronouncing the name of the cult as a curse.
Does a Nobel make you more likely to put your foot in your mouth (J Watson, I'm looking at you!), or is it just that only the laureates get noticed when they do it?
I suspect that in most modern institutions, having your students and post-docs regularly bursting into tears would end up with a visit from HR with advice about bullying...
Highly intelligent and old people don't have the time or energy for false ideologies. If you spout that kind of politically correct BS, you are just wasting your breath. The only ones putting their feet in their mouths are the whiny social studies babies that can't live without someone to blame for their own shortcomings. Shove them in deeper, maybe we'll all get lucky and they'll choke.
"Modern Institutions" (that want Nobel prize winning scientists instead of problematic whiners) usually know how to deal with them without involving HR.
Shouldn't we really be addressing the sexist two to one discrimination in academic job applications ?
Two to one in favour of women, that is.
The are happy to whine and whine about one old man's honest recollections, but the Feminazis don't seem to be in uproar about proven sexism.
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It probably speaks volumes that it is nearly impossible to tell which comments here are honest debate, and which are well crafted trolls.
As regards the good Doctor, sometimes in life the only reasonable response is, "Wow, you really are a fucking idiot, aren't you?"
and when you criticise them, they cry
For him, maybe that applies to both male or female lab co-workers, so no conclusion can be drawn regarding gender and criticism. I don't know his personality, but if it's anything like, say, Linus Torvalds, I could see the males crying too.
I'd like to know if he really did misjudge his *direct* audience, or if he miscalculated the fact that there were journalists who would obligingly transmit his faux-pas to the world at large.
Personally, I feel that you can't coherently complain about mealy-mouthed politicians and spin doctors while simultaneously cyber-lynching anyone who does actually say what they think.
Interesting just how this has gone, working in a bio-lab with a predatory female supervisor I had issues as I wouldn't reciprocate, and predatory academics have long been an issue, 'fresh meat week' brings out the worst in some universities staff and older s-too-dense.
As for crying when they don't get their own way, I've seen that too, and the female Dean apparently told that female academic to shut up, 'man-up' and get on with it, you want equality, tears aren't going to work on me!
I am now tired out after a long day of crying with laughter interspersed with multiple wanking sessions reading "your own personalised timeline!" . My waste bin flows over with discarded tissues used for both purposes.
An amazing festival of humour and fetishism.. I will not mention intelligence lest I am considered to be disingenuous although it might be a contributory factor to the "distractingly sexy" equation.
Then again, having attended a 'single sex' Skool I have always had fantasies about the women teachers and more so the 'Lab Assistants'. The Science Masters did not do it for me but when Mrs G or Ms M swished by in their nylon lab coats.
"Idk how any men were able to function when I was in this bunny suit and integrating a satellite."
I might be more interested in how many men were able to function 'after' working with you wearing that suit, mask and gloves integrating satellites. Perhaps you are forced to operate on your own in an isolated room to avoid such possible 'mind' cross contamination issues.
More to the point how many men remain functional after your release of what has to be defined as classified weapons grade material?
Having previously been 'contaminated' and whilst I cannot see it. Your bum looks perfect. In particular, using my warped imagination, when clad in that suit. I don't suppose NASA lets you take them home?
Sir Hunt
appears to be unskilled in 'the art'. Both of expressing his experience and recovering from his gaffes both as demonstrated in this case and perhaps in the relationships he was talking about.
I certainly would not be able to talk to a bunch of hot intelligent South Korean women looking to do science, technology, engineering and such stuff without tripping over my tongue.... especially if the job involves playing 'dress up'.
I guess I am just awkward with 'stuff'.
Overstepping the line, assuming he is not beyond salvation, maybe you and 'The Girls' might give the bloke a break and offer him some form of re-education not involving scientific fetish-wear.
I kind of think that beyond the apparent reaction I also get the impression there was an immense amount of tension blown off by some and an immense amount of humour given by others.
You can see I do not do advocacy.... and your phone number would be...
Dial 0800-STEM?