back to article Corporate cuddle: USTR linked arms with industry in TPP negotiations

Freedom of Information work from IP Watch has brought about the release of a pile of e-mails detailing relations between the US Trade Representative and various industry lobbies that have been wish-listing the Trans Pacific Partnership process. Although often heavily redacted, the e-mails let slip the occasional gems – such as …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Your vote does not matter

    We are rapidly approaching a world run by corporations. The average citizen opinion is irrelevant and so is his vote.

    This message was sponsored by your friendly Oligarch of the day.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Be quiet citizen Coward. That nice gentleman from miniluv the NSA who so kindly monitors all your communications to protect you from Terrorism and Paedophilia will send the thought police thought police for you. You'll be in the joycamp Land of The Free before you know what's hit you. We are at war with Terrorism and Paedophilia. Surveillance is our ally. We have always been at war...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Your vote does not matter

      Approaching? Sorry to burst your bubble but we've been there for a while.

  2. tony2heads

    If lawmakers just copy and paste from corporate documents

    shouldn't they be charged with copyright theft?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Spotted this today. Its regarding TTIP, but just as sobering...

    "What is TTIP? Six reasons why the answer should scare you...The trade negotiations are an assault on democracy."

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Spotted this today. Its regarding TTIP, but just as sobering...

      There is TTIP and TTP, this is talking about TTP, while both are fundamentally the same, they are also scary at the same time.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Spotted this today. Its regarding TTIP, but just as sobering...

        There are three major treaty negotiations going on at this time. I think they learned the power of the internet can torpedo one of them, so they're pushing three at us at once to divide the attention of the opposition.

  4. dogged

    The EFF has put an archive of the e-mails here.


    1. Eddy Ito
      1. Anonymous Coward

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