This answers IMHO a fairly basic question
"Where did the responsibility for this cockup lie?"
I think HP would continue to fight any payout tooth and nail if they had any confidence in being able to blame someone else for the Autonomy cockup, but the reality is that HP decided to buy, so HP was supposed to do its due diligence to see if what they bought was OK.
That they outsourced this due diligence is secondary, you can't outsource responsibility (well, not quite, if you're corporate security manager without a budget to do your job you *know* you're just there to be sacked when it goes wrong).
I don't like this "paying without admitting guilt" thing much, because to me that simply says that those with the bigger wallets can do the same thing over and over again, all they need to say is "oops, have a cheque" and walk off into the sunset. Not a very good way to enforce laws IMHO, but as I don't live there I may miss something.