Told you so
I've said it before and I will openly say it again:
Security intrusions will continue to happen until the entire IT world accepts the fact that TCP/IP is not appropriate for 21st century needs. The IT world is living in denial: being inherently insecure, with no designed-in security protocols, TCP/IP was acceptable 20 years ago but is not going to cut it in today's government supported, hacker-filled & espionage-filled world. Firewalls, credentials and other add-on structures - patches to the system - can only go so far.
Data communication must be encrypted at the SOURCE, by DEFAULT, across the world. Period. Anything else is simply a continuous data theft, waiting to happen.
And yes, I've got my Nomex on. Go ahead and spread the hate as you wallow in the past, expecting what worked then to be perfectly acceptable now.