back to article Apple recalls Beats speakers: Rap chap's crap batt rapped in zap mishap flap

Apple is recalling its Beats Pill XL speakers over claims the product overheats to the point of burning one particular fan's finger. The speaker, which was manufactured in China, sells for $325, and apparently poses a potential fire hazard due to a faulty battery. Cupertino has promised to refund any US and Canadian customers …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A speaker that's also a handy heater?

    I say in the great tradition of software development, change the documentation, and call the bugs 'features'. It's not just a speaker, it's a radiator.

    1. Blank Reg

      Re: A speaker that's also a handy heater?

      Not a speaker, it's boombox :)

  2. Howard Hanek


    I just bet their first reaction was to mail out a free smoke least their lawyer's first reaction.

  3. Roq D. Kasba

    $325? Blimey!

    That, basically.

    1. elaar

      Re: $325? Blimey!

      £270 here. It has all the functionality of devices less than half its price, seriously who buys Beats stuff?

      1. John Bailey

        Re: $325? Blimey!

        "£270 here. It has all the functionality of devices less than half its price, seriously who buys Beats stuff?"

        People who can only hear the logo.

        1. Anonymous Coward

          Re: $325? Blimey!

          "People who can only hear the logo."

          You dear sir, owe me another coffee.

          That is to be my new phrase and in the tradition of World 2.0, in return, you will receive no credit.

          1. John Bailey

            Re: $325? Blimey!

            "You dear sir, owe me another coffee."

            Certainly. take it out of the fee to use my phrase.

            "That is to be my new phrase and in the tradition of World 2.0, in return, you will receive no credit."

            Seems a fair compensation.

      2. Naughtyhorse

        who buys Beats stuff?



        potentially :-)

    2. BigFire

      Re: $325? Blimey!

      You are privilege to be able to buy the heat generator from Apple and Dr. Dre.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    > and asked fanbois "to stop using their Beats Pill XL speakers"

    Because they're sh*t, and expensive sh*t at that.

  5. Chris 171

    Branding ahhhh

    That is all.

    1. wdmot

      Re: Branding ahhhh

      Hey, look at my new Beats tattoo!

  6. Steven Raith

    Forgot about Dre?

    Nah, they forgot about electrical safety.


    Steven R

  7. Darryl

    It IS a division of Apple now, so...

    ...the obligatory

    'You're listening to it wrong.'

  8. Mephistro

    Ahhhh..., the ancient art of slashing the production costs to almost nothing, without compromising quality...

    It never works, but they keep on trying!

    1. chivo243 Silver badge

      Apple strikes again... some poor 10 yr old forgot to solder a few points after 18hrs of work.... now the whole (only?) production run has to be recalled.

      btw, who is this Dr Dre? And which school of electrical engineering did he graduate from?

      Troll as there is no stronger icon for times like these.

      1. 404

        Prior to Beats, Dr Dre was a music sampler who was involved in the original lawsuit against Napster.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          I wouldn't have bothered.

          "Prior to Beats, Dr Dre was a music sampler who was involved in the original lawsuit against Napster".

          No-one with any sanity wants to listen to his cRap anyway.

    2. willi0000000


      it seems that nobody has noticed that as you reduce manufacturing cost you get a corresponding reduction in value . . . and the value declines to zero much faster than the cost.

      often enough, they pull so much cost out that the value becomes negative.

      [ unless you put a high value on doorstops, fire starters and boat anchors ]

  9. This post has been deleted by its author

  10. Velv

    So who's about to sue apple this time? I bet Dr Dre isn't a real Doctor and some money grabbing Merkin will see an opportunity...

  11. Tromos

    Customer safety is top priority

    Translation: Not being sued is top priority

    1. Trigonoceps occipitalis

      Re: Customer safety is top priority

      Translation: Not being sued is top priority

      Actually, not being sued is a priority, not being hit with a class action is the top priority.

      (NB: Priorities reversed for lawyers.)

  12. Deryk Barker

    It's tempting

    to simply say that anyone who buys audio equipment from the Beast of Cupertino is asking for it, but I won't go that far.

    I will say that this simply reinforces my decision never, ever to buy anything from this company.

  13. Martin Summers

    Even when it's fixed, people are still going to get burned by the price...

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    that'll be £55 please

    Apple sell it for £270 in the UK

    How much are they refunding customers?


    Fucking genius

    1. paulf

      Re: that'll be £55 please

      I did see that they'll refund the full purchase price on presentation of the original receipt (unfortunately I can't find the story in question).

      My understanding of the law (IANAL natch) is that a consumer's statutory rights are not prejudiced by the absence of the purchase receipt. A receipt may yield better service from the shop (e.g. a refund on an unused item within 28 days or a cash refund on a faulty item) but the absence of a receipt cannot be used to withhold a consumer's statutory rights. If Apple refunds to a Gift card (which I understand they're entitled to do on a faulty product if the receipt isn't presented) it should be for the full purchase amount. The only difference presenting the receipt should make is that the refund would be made in cash instead.

      1. g e

        Re: that'll be £55 please

        You'd think the actuall fucking item would be some kind of proof, wouldn't you. Or do Apple sell them in Tesco, too? (With Tesco Geniuses (sic), perhaps? ;o)

      2. imaginarynumber

        Re: that'll be £55 please

        That still doesn't explain why the refund cost in the UK is lower than the price that Apple sell the product for.

        AFAIK, in the USA the refund is higher than the RRP.

        IMO a receipt should only be necessary if the customer is asking for a refund in excess of the RRP. Some people do pay more than RRP.

        In the absence of a receipt Apple should be willing to pay the cash equivalent to the price that they sell it for.

  15. imaginarynumber

    what about the earlier speakers

    Apple's press release say that the speakers were first sold in Nov 2013. So why are they only recalling the units sold after Jan 2014. Were the earlier ones different? And if so then why a (semi) full recall and not a batch recall?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: what about the earlier speakers

      What is a (semi) full recall and if you mean a semi recall, how is that a different to a batch recall.

      Most likely it's a different supplier for a part from 2014, nothing more, nothing less.

  16. auburnman

    No pun about selling dodgy pills? For shame El Reg.

  17. hi_robb


    Beats, listen to 'hot' music tracks...

    Well, I say listen, I mean completely ruin them by hearing them how they were not intended to sound.

    1. g e

      Re: Hmm

      Mind you, I doubt they're listening to Elgar or Floyd one those things, anyway

    2. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hmm

      But the music is just all levels set to max and compress the hell out of can it make it sound any worse?

      1. Swarthy

        Re: Hmm

        I don't know.. but they sure as hell try!

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Beats pill xl

    I have to defend the beats pill xl, as I tested around 20 different battery wireless portable speakers, even brought a couple which I sent back as they sounded great in the shop but awful outdoors.

    The beats pill xl is perfect for my needs I take it to work on my weekend shifts and it so loud it drowns the back ground machinery out and lasts all day.

    Yes it maybe overpriced, but show me something that can give the volume and lastability, everyone has there own opinions but I purchased from reviews and ended up getting a refund.

    I have my eye on the forth coming Fugoo XL but I need to hear it first, If it's as loud as the beats, then I will return it for a refund and buy the Fugoo.

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