Intel will now look at ARM
quote "develop Altera's ARM-based..." Altera are up to speed with ARM and Intel are losing out in the power conscious processor space. So, with cash left in the kitty, ARM must be a logical target for Intel now.
Intel has subsumed Altera for $16.7bn (£11bn), ending months of “will they, won't they” takeover chatter. The acquisition will allow Chipzilla to get its mitts on Altera's field-programmable gate array (FPGA) tech – chips that customers can configure after purchase. The acquired unit will sit in Intel's bit barn division. The …
And most of the ARM license contracts have very heavy clauses about ARM being taken over - generally free perpetual rights to all the ARM tech you are using.
Otherwise nobody would every buy an ARM license knowing that they could be bought out any day by your rival
At university we used Altera chips to allow us to design our own microprocessors. We designed our own instructions and flashed an altera chip with the logic, then stuck it on a breadboard and wired it up.
After all that work, I was gutted to learn that my JMP instruction didn't work, so my microprocessor turned out to be little more than a glorified counting machine.
This has little to do with the story, but I needed to write this down before the remaining brain cell holding this memory expired.
Heres your finger - far from the pulse jammed up your ass :)
Today Google renames itself to Alphabet , and the top story on el Reg is about a pc in a small box
(edit) ok , i see they coverd it at 9.30 pm last night... if i knew how to delete a sarky comment id do it...