What matters in a smartwatch?
While waiting for smartwatches to become useful, I decided to play with a cheap Chinese pedometer watch. It has a dedicated (and very small) OLED display, BT4, and it can vibrate for notifications when tethered to a phone. It cost £60 as a direct import.
The battery life is about a week tethered and three weeks untethered. The display comes on, as with the Apple Watch, when you raise the thing. The pedometer seems quite accurate based on a map comparison though it can go a bit wrong in long car journeys. The rechargeable battery is actually user replaceable - 4 slot head screws on the back.
My personal thoughts are:
I don't want apps on the watch, just efficient communication with the phone.
A battery life of a week is a minimum.
Both the Apple Watch and Android Wear seem to me a solution in search of a problem.