back to article That EVIL TEXT that will CRASH your iPhone: We pop the hood

Cads and/or bounders can crash and reboot iPhones from afar by sending them specially crafted texts, thanks to a new vulnerability in iOS. A 75-byte sequence of unicode characters triggers the glitch, and can be smuggled into text messages, causing iThings to crash if they appear in the victim's notification screen. Texting …

  1. Andrew Jones 2

    Not totally convinced that providing a handy place to grab the text so anyone can send it to all their iPhone owning friends was the best idea in the world. It only works if it is formatted correctly across multiple lines, so reproducing the text on a single line would have been a better option (IMHO of course)

    1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Sadly, it's already full disclosure.


      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        And thats your defense for publishing it?

        1. asdf


          Worried about that stock price are you?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Full Text

          And thats your defense for publishing it?

          Isn't that a good enough defence?

          The full text is in the wild, it is findable by a google search so not publishing it wouldn't achieve much other than forcing the curious to leave El Reg and go to Google to find it.

          Publishing it, on the other hand, allows them to properly talk about the problem.

          I know which seems better to me.

          1. erikj

            Re: Full Text

            My kids and their mates have been gleefully crashing each others iStuff all week at school -- so I'd say the vulnerability is rather well publicized in the wild. I see it as a digital (and slightly better) equivalent to smashing actual mailboxes -- and possibly just as much of a federal crime. Time to have a fatherly chat.

        3. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

          And thats your defense for publishing it?

          Hey, Obama, don't you have a snooper's charter to push through Congress ?

          InB4: "Beware the Nam-shub of Enki"

          1. Lyndon Hills 1

            Hey, Obama, don't you have a snooper's charter to push through Congress ?

            Is that the translation of the message?

    2. DJO Silver badge

      Not totally convinced that providing a handy place to grab the text

      But it's not, the article has a bitmap of the text which can't be copied to unicode, to do that you'd have to know the code for each of the symbols which while not impossible is reasonably tricky, certainly harder than tracking down the offending string from another source so I'd say there's no harm done in showing the message here.

      1. Jack Faust meets Mephistopheles

        Which if you click it goes to a pastebin of the offending text.

        I, for one, welcome El Reg giving us ammo to annoy our smug iBrethern. We won't send it, we'll just threaten to send it and then sign them up to Kitten facts, like we always do.

        1. Danny 14

          We wont send it to many people. I'll test it with (on) colleagues tomorrow.

        2. mastodon't

          kitten facts sounds awesome

          sign me up

  2. Google

    Just tried sending it to my own iPhone using iMessage. I have a sneaking suspicion Apple is filtering iMessages as it never arrived when other messages did.

    1. Natalie Gritpants

      So some good may have come of this. If it forces Apple to admit they have the technology to examine your iMessages before you do it will help people understand their relationship with Apple a little more. Not just Apple bashing, this applies to any message service.

      1. Ian Michael Gumby


        Clearly you have a limited view on software development and how things work.

        Your messages have to be routed to go from you to your friends' iPhones and what not.

        So of course they have a way to this.

        If you looked at Apple's ecosystem iStore, iCloud, etc ... all features revolve around Apple and they have a lot of potential to snoop if they so desired. It makes a lot of sense from a design perspective, and nothing to get your panties in a twist over.

        Now if you wanted to talk about Google... that's a different story.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: @Natallie

          > Clearly you have a limited view on software development and how things work.

          And clearly you have a limited view on telecommunications and how proper systems design works.

          For data to be routed, there is no need to have access to the information therein.

          Surely, a "how things work"-aware type of person is already familiar with OTR?

    2. BigFire

      The problem is not limited to iMessages. The problem is the notification. It seem to affect anything that can be display on notification screen.

  3. 45RPM Silver badge

    I'm getting an overpowering sense of déjà vu here. Didn't this, or something very similar, happen last year too?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Off by one error.

      "I'm getting an overpowering sense of déjà vu here. Didn't this, or something very similar, happen last year too?"

      Yes, but I think you may have an "off by one" error (2013 not 2014). They're my favourites too.

      Or maybe it's 2013, 2014, AND 2015.

      Either way, wtf?

      Linl to El Reg 2013 article (from today's article):

      See also e.g.

      "There's a new bug in town, and it's here to crash your Mac and iPhone applications. Posters in a HackerNews thread from late yesterday have discovered that it's possible to crash Web browsers and other apps running on current versions of iOS and OS X by making them render a specific, nonsensical string of Arabic characters. The title of the HackerNews thread implies that the issue is with the WebKit browser engine, but it actually affects any browser or application that uses Apple's CoreText API to render text. Ars Microsoft Editor Peter Bright has taken great pleasure in sending the text string to his co-workers, which has crashed the Limechat IRC client and Adium chat client, among other programs."


    2. h4rm0ny

      Yes. A couple of years ago:

      It was exactly what I thought of when I read the story. I wouldn't have thought they'd be caught out like this twice. Apple are usually better than this, but there you go...

      Incidentally, El Reg. seem to be giving up any pretence of knowing parody these days and just going for direct Daily Mail style gratuitous sexualisation. Unless I'm missing some subtle relevance to the giant image of a strapless model to this article. Off-topic, yes. But then so is the photo.

      1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        Apple are usually better than this, but there you go...

        Unicode processing is complicated. Complicated systems are fragile.

        Of course, rewriting the core Unicode processing code to do a better job of handling invalid references - more extensive pointer validation, and catching and unwinding after SIGSEGV within well-defined regions - would make it a lot more robust.

  4. Michael Thibault

    Congratulations, El Reg!

    Some tentacle of the Apple juggernaut appears to have acknowledged your existence--possibly validating it. And, it's beer o'clock. Go to it.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And you're telling me it's accidental?

    * 75 specific characters

    * arranged in specific way

    * checks are carefully placed as though the code was hardened, but they don't do anything in this case

    Not at all suspicious...

    1. DropBear

      Re: And you're telling me it's accidental?

      That kind of check is the sort of thing programmers drop off in their sleep without even thinking about it - it's not meant to "harden" anything, it's just a barely-more-than-nothing standard precaution handling pointers returned by some library call you just made; the implicit understanding is that the call will either fail (and therefore return a null pointer, against which you check) or else it will contain a valid address if it succeeds. They say it's not the fall that kills you but the sudden stop at the end; in this case, that sequence of instructions is that sudden stop - but the actual "cause of death" is most likely somewhere ahead, where that pointer acquires a value that's neither invalid nor valid. Either way, one should probably check the _actual_ status code returned by the call instead of relying on "oh and in case of failure also the pointer returned is NULL" (if that is even specified). It's also possible of course that the pointer is not returned by some call but computed right there on the spot - in which case the algorithm computing it is either conceptually buggy or simply making assumptions it should not make...

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Shit happens. Hope they patch soon.

    It doesn't look particularly hardened, it's just a null pointer check. It looks like we ended up with a reference to some data belonging to an object whose pointer was 0x00 - it's too late to easily check pointers by then.. I don't know anything about objective C object handling though, just a guess.

    1. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: Shit happens. Hope they patch soon.

      Speculation elsewhere that this is in part because iOS inherits NextStep's UTF-16 internal encoding and inadvertently truncates one of the 32-bit Arabic characters halfway when trying to add an ellipsis where it calculates it needs to chop the text. The effect of the invalid UTF-16 data (yes, it was validated upon receipt, but then it was broken) is an infinite loop in the decoder, which overspills the end of memory, rather than the buffer ever having been mapped at zero.

      Apple doesn't put user-space memory at 0x00 since neither C nor Objective-C has a formalised syntax for optional returns so 0x00 is used for return nil/NULL.

      See also: Should UTF-16 be considered harmful? on, though I expect most around here won't need to.

      1. Dan 10

        Re: Shit happens. Hope they patch soon.

        "most round here won't need to" - speak for yourself! :-)

        I don't have a dev background, so all this is really interesting to me.

  7. clocKwize

    I love these in depth write-ups about why these kind of things happen. More of this.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh goody, I can see the anti Islam conspiracy theories coming anytime now...

    1. d3vy

      I've already been warned that it let's isis hack into my android phone.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    just published android app to do the hard work

    So you don't have to. Enjoy rebooting iphones folks...

    1. Slabfondler

      Re: just published android app to do the hard work

      With that level of psychological pathology, would you not be better suited by being in politics?

    2. h4rm0ny

      Re: just published android app to do the hard work

      What did you call your app? LetYourFriendsKnowYouAreAnIdiot-ogram ?

      That's a good name for it, I think.

  10. stucs201

    I wonder...

    ...does this work if sent as a flash (class 0) SMS? Could cause even more confusion that way.

    (flash as in the auto-displaying text messages (sometimes displayed anonymously too for even more fun))

  11. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

    Restart required

    I fail to see how this will cause the sun to go dark and the stars to fall to the earth.

    Open message from friend. Phone reboots. Curses uttered. Phone restarts. Remove friend from Christmas card list.

    You can probably even block the sender and instruct them to solve their personal issues before you will allow them to contact you again.

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: Restart required

      If you can cause a system to crash you're well on the way to hacking into it.

    2. hplasm

      Re: Restart required

      "I fail to see how this will cause the sun to go dark and the stars to fall to the earth."

      Several seconds of disconnect from the Fruitiverse- it's unthinkable!!

      O the huge manatee!

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Restart required

      I seem to have buggered a friends phone ... They've lost ability to receive or send messages. Apples Siri fix doesn't do anything.

  12. Hans 1

    >Remove friend from Christmas card list.


    I managed to get off everybody's Christmas card list ... the cards used to take up waay too much space in the recycling bin.

  13. EssEll


    GIVEASH1T module failed to load: closing dooowwwwnnnnnnnnn....

    But seriously: I do genuinely admire the quality of the article and the effort to which the author has gone to verify this issue, so kudos for that. The fact that the issue itself is not that big a deal is why I don't really give a stuff.

  14. James Cane

    Friends Again?

    "An Apple spokesman told us". Apple are speaking to the Register?

    1. Numpty Muppet

      Re: Friends Again?

      Read "... an Apple genius"

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What happens after 0x0af42d?

    And can you influence it by mmaping (MAP_FIXED) a page at NULL on affected iOS or OS/X versions and putting carefully-chosen data starting at location 4?

    Inquiring minds would like to know.... ;)

  16. Ben Hodson

    Is it possible that people have stumbled across a badly implemented back door ?

    NSA send a specially formatted text which causes the device to take on certain behaviour ?

    1. Afernie

      "Is it possible that people have stumbled across a badly implemented back door ?"

      Possible, but Hanlon's Razor applies.

    2. Wilco


    3. EssEll
      Black Helicopters

      You forgot your icon.

      Fixed it for you.

  17. b166er

    Reading through this thread makes me suspect people with iPhones often don't have a sense of humour.

  18. ebrelion

    How can an user space app crash the whole system ?

    1. TeeCee Gold badge

      Well the article does say that the notification screen is a core OS component, so presumably it doesn't run in user space.

      Which sounds like a bit of a pig's ear in itself, if so.

      1. ebrelion

        Putting such heavily user-dependent code in the kernel is pure nonsense. Just the best way to allow backdoors. But perhaps is it designed with that goal in mind ?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        userland vs shared library vs kernel code ?

        "Well the article does say that the notification screen is a core OS component, so presumably it doesn't run in user space."

        I'm not quite following your logic there. Perhaps I misunderstood. Let's simplify it (I don't speak Apple).

        We're looking at a bug in something functionally comparable with (but not the same as) (say) printf().

        printf() runs in user mode, though it may frequently be in a system-wide shareable library.

        Being in a system-wide shareable library just means everyone that uses it gets the same copy. It doesn't necessarily mean the code is part of the kernel and runs in kernel mode.

        Does this one crash the whole system (as it would if it was a piece of kernel mode code) or just the app(s) in question?

        Incidentally, Android's quite capable of similar silliness. A couple of weeks back I seemed to pick up a corrupt entry in my Android contacts data. Any app that attempted to access the Contacts data would crash when it did so. Bit embarrassing. It seems to be a fairly common problem, and the only fix I could find was a factory reset. I couldn't take a proper backup of my phone because I hadn't yet rooted it (think on that for a moment: I couldn't back up *my* data on *my* phone because the vendor prevents me).

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      If a user space application is considered essential for the system to provide the required "user experiece", the kernel has to restart it - and sometimes the only way to restart it after a crash may be a reboot, because the kernel may have no way to know the current state, and just restarting it may be dangerous. In this case it's the notification system crashing, it may still crash in user space, but if iOS or whatever think that it's essential, it will reboot.

      You can obtain the same behaviour in other operating sytem if you can successfully kill some essential application running in user space, i.e. killing winlogon in Windows.

  19. dan1980

    We pop the hood . . .

    Am I the only one who read: "I floop the pig"?


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: We pop the hood . . .


      1. dan1980

        Re: We pop the hood . . .

        (Just in case.)

  20. Reg T.

    Just Shut Up

    and buy the watch!

    1. dan1980
  21. This post has been deleted by its author

  22. Colin Wilson 2

    Exception handling??

    Isn't it about time Apple introduced proper structured exception handling in Objective-C and Swift and did away with all that ridiculous 'NSError' nonsense?

    1. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

      Re: Exception handling??

      All exceptions do is introduce extra hidden code paths. They don't make error handling any easier; arguably they make it more error prone. They are really only useful for exceptional circumstances where the next step is to terminate the module. But they are handy for getting errors out of constructors, provided they adhere to the basic guarantee.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Exception handling??

        Exceptions *do* make error handling much easier, and they help to write far more robust code - when properly implemented and used. Also, exceptions ensure an error can't be silently ignored because of a missing check (oh well, unless a lame and lazy programmer uses empty "catch" statements) keeping on running code in a no longer valid application state. Exception can avoid an application termination, if correctly handled, and application state correctly reset.

        The FUD about exceptions is just due to the fact the C++ has chosen a poor exception handlling model, that makes code unnecessarily complex (i..e. it gave birth to the growing family of "smart" pointers), because C++ designer aimed at the "mathematical purity" of their model ignoring real code development needs (especially when C libraries needs to be used from C++ code...). Also, any C++ book for beginners makes its best to explain exceptions in the simples and most useless way (throwing string and numbers is not the way you really use exceptions).

        There's no really "hidden" code paths - exception handling is clearly defined and shown in code. But if you prefer code littered by "ifs" and "gotos", well, hope it won't ever run on a system of mine...

        1. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

          Re: Exception handling??

          goto, no never. And definitely not its bastard evil sibling longjmp. But that's what an exception effectively is. That's my point: it's the mother of gotos.

          And I agree, a missing error check is a problem. And being able to elide an if is nice syntactic sugar. However the error doesn't go away when you delete the if. What happens when the exception is thrown? I'll presume you're properly using RAII so nothing leaks. But what state is your object in? Will the class invariants be preserved? Had you started writing to a file? Were you in the middle of a database transaction? All those problems are shifted to the catcher which is not well equipped to answer them. And noob programmers---which I'm not implying you are---don't see and think about those things. Deleting the if doesn't solve the problems. In fact it encourages people not to think about them, which makes the code less robust.

          It's the "...when properly implemented..." point. They are hard to implement properly. I use them where they really can improve the code. But it's taken a lot of experience to get there. And I seem use badly more often that I see them used well.

          But we can agree that the examples are always fucking awful. They tend to be expected errors, too. Running out of core is an exception; a missing file, generally, isn't.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Exception handling??

            I now understand the reason of crappy applications around. Fear of exceptions - especially because C++ choose RAII which makes code unnecessarily complex (because not all the world is made of C++ classes) compared to leaner implementations, and requires a good knowledge of all the smart pointers family members workings. Developers used to the C way may find it daunting at first.

            Sure, worshipper of "C++ is my god and Stroustrup is its prophet" will never admin Stroustrup is wrong... just they should ask themselves why in Boost first and C++11 later smatpointers types started to proliferate.... I believe it's a symptom of a bad original design, it was tried to fix it with auto_ptr, it was implemetend badly, then it was deprecated and a new family of smart pointers was introduced again to try to fix the original sin... same happens in languages trying to adopt the ARC memory model, same issues trying to achive an "automatic" object instance managment.

            An exception is not a "goto" - it has a failry more powerful semantic. They ensure a proper stack unwindling. You know why you got into an exception handling block, and a well designed exception hiearchy will let you know what happened and ley handle it at each correct level. Libraries can raise exception and let code written later to catch them, something a goto can't do. Having to check each call, clutters the code. And without gotos or the like, no way to centralize error handling, lot of duplicate code to maintain to clean after an error - which in turn means less robust code that can easily leak or worse.

            The catcher may or may be not "well equipped " to handle an exception. It depends on where the catch happens, and what it knows about the attempted operations. A good exception hierarchy and its implementation will let proper exception handling code to perform what it needs to keep the system in a good, known state - preseving invariants.

            Rolling back a database transaction is a classic example where a single exception handler can easily return the system to a stable state, inform the user of what happened, and if needed, retry the operation, even if the transaction spans several different SQL statements.

            Sure, if you let exceptions escape several calls, the outermost exception handler can do very little because it knows very little - one of the rules about exception handling is if you expect an exception may occur, you have to handle it the closer you can from its "throw" point. But an exception will anyway reach an exception handler, and that alone will make code more robust - even if it means your application will be terminated before it can create more havoc, if the application happily continues in an unstable state. Any good handler will at least log what exception occurred and where (although sometimes the root cause may be elsewhere), and maybe even some useful diagnostic informations.

            Like it or not, it's very difficult and error prone to write OO applications without a proper extensive use of exceptions and exceptions handler.

            In this case of course terminating the notifier process is of no help, because it triggers a reboot.. Low level exceptions like a segfault are usually hard to handle - but even in that case maybe tha application could have handled it in a more graceful way.

      2. d3vy

        Re: Exception handling??

        Talking about EXCEPTION handlers: "really only useful for EXCEPTIONAL circumstances"

        No shit. Tell me more.

        1. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge


          Talking about EXCEPTION handlers: "really only useful for EXCEPTIONAL circumstances"

          No shit.

          You'd think, wouldn't you. But here's an example. Lets ask the user whether to proceed with this operation. If they say, "yes", the code returns. If they say, "no", it throws an exception.

          Now I'm not going to hold truly lousy code against exceptions. But that's why I make the point that the name is a clue about how to use them.

          1. d3vy

            Re: @d3vy

            @Brewster's angle grinder.

            "But here's an example. Lets ask the user whether to proceed with this operation. If they say, "yes", the code returns. If they say, "no", it throws an exception."

            If that's what you are doing you are using exception handlers wrong, you shouldn't be throwing an exception on some possibly expected user input - you're effectively using exception handlers as part of your business logic...

            Handle your user input normally and leave the exception handlers to pick up the pieces when all else fails...

    2. gnasher729 Silver badge

      Re: Exception handling??

      You don't know what you are talking about. If you think this problem has anything to do with exception handling, then you really, really don't know what you are talking about.

      1. Colin Wilson 2

        Re: Exception handling??

        Ok here's the clue:

        >> Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)

        An unhandled exception! Any reasonable modern language would convert this OS exception to an exception that it can handle - the same way as it would handle any other natively thrown exceptions.

        As far as the ApplyGlyphFeatureTags function goes - the original programmer *should* have tested the pointer better - rather than just comparing it to nil. In the old days on Windows we used to use IsBadReadPtr to do this - but that's now seriously deprecated, and according to MSDN you're meant to use structured exception handling instead.

        In this case, handling the exception simply by logging it, and applying some default glyph feature tag sounds like a reasonable approach.

        >> If you think this problem has anything to do with exception handling, then you really, really don't know what you are talking about.


  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Warning!! the Evil TXT that reboots iphones also destroys the email app!

    Warning to all - sending the evil txt as an email message renders the recipients iphone email app useless!! Even with the device unlocked once the email has been opened the email app will crash out and as long as the message is in the in box you will not be able to open the email app, just crashes out or opens a "no message found here" screen with a back icon top left, tapping this will again crash the email app.

    Also worth noting is the senders email app will be affected as well with the "sent" email folder crashing out the device every time it is tapped.

    There is no recovery from this, restoring the device is the only solution I have found, even deleting the email account and setting up from fresh doesn't guarantee recovery if the evil text is in the subject line!

    This is far more serious than the txt message reboot as the phone will still run the message app after the reboot.

    Apple - you need to sort this asap!!

  24. Dan 10

    Oh look

    The reg just devalued a credible technical article by including a large but completely irrelevant image of a hot girl on the front page, topical only because she's holding a phone. You guys keep rocking that last-century approach to attracting women into the industry.

    1. Zane

      Re: Oh look

      Thanks for making me aware - would not have noticed the girl without your comment.


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "She's holding a phone"

      "topical only because she's holding a phone. "

      Don't know who does what testing at El Reg, but on my Firefox the phone in question isn't actually visible, which made the whole thing rather strange.

      Not quite like an Acer netbook article picture (was that the one?) but along similar lines.

    3. asdf

      Re: Oh look

      Its all part of this Web 3.0 craptastic always mobile user experience that Apple phallus sucking millennial web "developers" have shoved on us all in the name of click baiting. Now El Reg just needs some 7 best x lists on here. Follow the herd. /rant over

  25. Nick L

    Amiga coders lecacy, perhaps?

    The one single address you could be guaranteed of finding something useful in the Amiga memory map was at 0x00000004, and in it would be the address of exec.library. Offsets then provided the various function calls...

    Maybe old habits die hard ;-) . Don't bother - I'm already reaching for my coat...

    1. /dev/null

      Re: Amiga coders lecacy, perhaps?

      Well you'd HOPE you'd find something useful in the 68000's reset vector location... ;-)

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Somewhere in the bowels of the NSA:

    "Damn, they found another one of our back doors."

  27. Mark 85

    Mainstream Media is hilarious on this one...

    A couple of articles I saw were telling folks "don't read the message if it contains...." How they would see what they're not supposed to read is beyond me.

    1. Bloakey1

      Re: Mainstream Media is hilarious on this one...

      I am sitting in a bar in Cyprus after having spent a day diving. Next to me is some old grizzly 'ex pat' telling his Russian bird (right auld sl****r) that she must not read or accept any texts.

      It is easy to switch it off for God's sake.

  28. nh525

    Crashes 'The Register' app on Windows 8 too

    It is quite ironic, but if I try to read this article about the 75 character string using the Windows 8 app called 'The Register' (apparently an official app developed by The Register), the app crashes!!!

    It's a repeatable crash too, not a fluke.

  29. TimChuma

    Didn't there also used to be one for modems?

    Was a character string some not nice people would post to newsgroups that would hang up a certain brand of modem.

    Also Web-TV had the infamous "wtv-client:hangup-phone" command.

    Telstra also unloaded a whole heap of end of line ADSL modems that would disconnect on Myspace and Facebook for some reason.

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