F1 is pants...
I'm a lifer, or was up until the last couple of years. I used to go to Monza and the UAE each year but not any more. They killed it. Indycar is vastly more enjoyable. Here's what I think is wrong... What do others think...
* Indycar, each race is closer, literally anyone can win and that leads to a far closer championship. So why is this? I believe 3 or 4 car teams makes for better competition. Whereas having B and C teams just benefits the top guys and kills the drama.
* Indycar: Cars are easier to pass. Push to pass appears to be much more effective and less artificial than DRS!
* I find Nascar bland because its all ovals. However track variation from ovals to street racing in Indycar makes for interesting racing.
* In F1 the drivers are arguably all overpaid and just not hungry enough. Maybe F1 should be more like PGA Golf, where you get nothing, absolutely nothing if you don't win. Sometimes it seems the drivers are just playing it too safe, drivers are too worried about how they look, its all about image.
* I have some more points, but lets if there's any former F1 fans like me reading the Reg..