breaking news : european dna
New evidence suggests the Welsh are direct descendants of the Germans...
The German fuzz have nabbed a 25-year-old prostitute for keeping her pet lamb in the Munich brothel where she worked. Reuters reported that the woman and her lamb had been discovered during a narcotics raid, and it is understood she was briefly detained on suspicion of drug possession. Unlike the wooly situation in the UK, …
Well to be fair there's no direct mention of anything which implies the sheep did anything more than stand in the corner with its eyes closed. Anyway, this brings me to my poem:
Mary had a little lamb,
she also had a bear.
I've often seen her little lamb
but I've never seen her bare.
Unless of course you pay her, in this case.......
Then it's more like:
Jack and Jill went up the hill, to fetch a pale of water.
Jack gave Jill half a crown
and Jack got what he was after.
I'll be here all week, so you can just be thankful that it's already Friday :-)
"Unlike the wooly situation in the UK, prostitution is legal in Germany, and tourists are known to flock to Munich's red light district for the shear thrill of purchasing the affection of women."
All things considered, it's not easy to know it's a typo or intentional...
"The woman, who has not been named, could defend herself by claiming the lamb followed her to the brothel"
Mary had a little lamb,
His fleece was white as coke,
And everywhere that Mary went,
She had a little toke.
He followed her to work one day,
Which was against the law,
It made the punters howl and bay,
To see him with a whore.
And so the rozzers turned it out,
Coz' it was a little runt...
No, no, I think I'll stop right there. I don't see a successful career writing childrens' nursery rhymes in my future somehow...
Ref. the Wiki link. There seems to be good reasons to mention the definition of "jocular" for some of you.
adjective: jocular
fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful.
"she sounded in a jocular mood"
synonyms: humorous, funny, witty, comic, comical, amusing, chucklesome, droll, entertaining, diverting, joking, jesting, hilarious, facetious, tongue-in-cheek;
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"Childrens version -= Shawn the sheep
Adult version = Shag the sheep"
Define "child". Mark Behr's protagonist in "Embrace" describes his introduction to the delights of sheep at the age of 12 in a rural South African setting. Given that the book's descriptions of life in that era ring very true - then it must be presumed it was not an uncommon practice for rural boys.
One of Stephen Fry's novels has a 15 year old boy and a horse.
Those are the books you pick up in a charity shop in mint condition - and you can guess at which page someone decided it wasn't the "good read" the broadsheet reviews indicated.
Reminds me of Mitchell & Webb's Vet sketch
A relative was part of the British expeditionary force based in France in 1940 and was most amused to be given chits for use at the local official brothels. He was even more amused when the madame calmly listed the services that could be bought with the chits, but mentioned that livestock were not included (maybe she thought they were a Welsh regiment). When he went back through the same part of France in 1944 he found the same brothel still had all its livestock as the local German commander had ordered his troops not to harm them!
Please persuade him to commit that to writing. Most veterans wont talk to anyone but other veterans.
[I've spent ages writing & rewriting what I what to say]
I'd love a BBC prog where we don't just hear about guns but about the squaddie behind the line. His day to day life. Spam, trudging, whores, music. Whatever.
Police CANNOT forbid bringing a lamb into a brothel
~--~--~--~--~ -~--~--~--~ -~--~--~--~ -~--~--~--~--
« the conditions in which a lamb should be raised... did not include being inside a brothel »
They didn't include being inside a police station either.
Then police add « during its short stay with police, the lamb felt comfortable ». But it also "felt comfortable" with the woman in the brothel.
In short, German law apparently doesn't forbid bringing a lamb in a brothel (or in a police station), so this incident is just one more case where the police illegally enforce their own wishes, pretending them to be the law. Police world-wide more and more override the law they are theoretically in charge of defending and enforcing.
Versailles, Sun 24 May 2015 08:20:00 +0200