Re: don't listen to McCain
"Don't listen to old man John McCain yelling for the kids to get off his lawn. He hardly represents the majority of anything. His family is famous for being military fsckups (his granddaddy caused the worst US naval defeat in WW2) who somehow get away with it and gain power after doing so."
Er. Which US Naval defeat do you refer to?
I'm rather interested in finding that out, too. So far as I can see, John S. McCain Sr. was in charge of air ops around Guadalcanal for several months in 1942, during which there were several major American naval defeats, including the one where HMAS CANBERRA was sunk, resulting in an American cruiser being named CANBERRA in abject apology. As McCain was not in command at sea, it's hard to see how those defeats could be considered his fault.
After Guadalcanal he was moved to a staff position in Washington for a while, serving as head of air ops for the entire US Navy. It's difficult to see what naval defeats he was responsible for then, either. In 1944 he went back to the Pacific as a task group commander under Halsey. When Halsey (not, repeat, NOT) McCain swallowed the bait of Ozawa's aptly named Decoy Force and charged north after Ozawa's empty aircraft carriers, leaving the San Bernadino Strait uncovered and therefore allowing Kurita and multiple dreadnoughts, including YAMATO, to roam freely, McCain,acting against orders, turned his task group to try to close the strait. He was too late to stop Kurita from slapping Clifton Sprague's TF77.4 around, and too late to stop Kurita from getting away, but the near-disaster off Samar can't possibly be blamed on him. Sprague's escort carriers were launching aircraft while being literally inside anti-aircraft gun range of Kurita's ships, and Sprague's aircraft were mostly older, obsolescent machines armed with depth charges and rockets for anti-submarine work, not torpedoes and heavy bombs for anti-ship; Oldendorf's dreadnoughts were all south, in Surigao Strait, massacring Shima and Nishimura. If Kurita had pressed on south from Samar he would have had MacArthur's invasion fleet under his guns and could have slaughtered them. As it was Kurita got an escort carrier, a destroyer, and a destroyer escort before withdrawing. It could have been a lot worse, and probably would have been if it hadn't been clear that the American destroyers were more than willing to charge dreadnoughts and ram.
I would really, really, REALLY like to know which US Naval defeat John S. McCain Sr. was responsible for. I really would.