It's obvious you posted while eating.
There were enough typos in the article to choke a chicken.
KFC Germany has salted its meal trays with a thin, flexible, Bluetooth keyboard. The “KFC Type Tray” has been used as a giveaway in new KFC stores. Punters can take 'em home and use the thin, rechargeable keyboards for whatever they fancy. The chicken chain's cunning plan, however, is that folks who wander into their …
> Fitting, considering most of their chicken makes Dwarf Bread seem like a tasty meal.
The smell in the resteraunts that leaves you nauseous before you've even eaten anything, the way they have cunningly made the chicken taste like fibreboard arse and the fact that as a feckless student I did a summer working in a chicken processing plant that supplied Unlucky Fried Kitten KFC means I generally wait outside...
When you say "just" you fail to appreciate the years of product development and creative marketing that transform a binful of Fowl McLeftovers into that artful bucket of deep-fried chicken "pieces" so attuned to the palates of countless teenage gourmets.
The more you think about it, the more of an achievement it is.