(Another Round of System Evaluation)
Why do I keep missing these? X*(
T his
I s
T he
L ast
I ntegrated
C omms
K ick-around
T his
I s
T he
F inal
E lectronic
S ystems
T est
T his
I s
T he
F inal
U nufied
C ommunications
K ick-around
m ore
m agnificent
m anoeuvres
T o
I ntensively
T est
T he
I ntegrated
E lectronics
S ystems
H elium
O rbiter
H asty
A ssessment of
N avigation
P robably ( although, arguably Certainly)
U ltimate
N avigation
T est
T hat
W as
A nother
T est
N ear
I nauguration
P reflight
P erlustration
L everaging
E lectronics
S crutiny
B est
E valuate
G round
I nformation
A nd
N avigation
A erial
I nformation
R elay
B egins
A nother
G ruelling
S hakedown
..needless to say, I chose FIST (with CLARKSON close behind).