Looks like dog shit
smells like dog shit
feels like dog shit
tastes like dog shit
sure glad I didn't step in it!
"..and so we just mix all the ingredients together like this, tip it out onto a surface like so, and roll it into a roughly cylindrical shape. Now we just push in the extras and then pop it into the freezer for a few hours till it's nice and hard and easy to handle. And we're done," the PFY says with a flourish. I can't …
I used to take a Dak regularly between Grand Reef and what was then Salisbury in Rhodesia. The old Gooney bird had to fly very low for part of the journey to avoid rockets, which meant getting bucked around a lot by thermals.
So, on a trip with newbies, some of the infantry guys would fill one of those green NATO airsickness bags with fruit salad, and once the plane started the full roller-coaster bit and the newbs were looking a bit green, he'd pretend to barf into the bag.
Then he'd pass it to the person next to him, who'd take out some of the fruit salad and start to eat it. We had to stop doing that eventually because too many newbs didn't get to their own barf bags in time.
You know how each packet is supposed to have a responding acknowledge packet which is source routed back to the originating hardware address using the Bourne Protocol? Well ours has apparently been flipping between Ghost protocol and the Fourth Protocol because of a memory issue
I splorfed...
This reminds me of an old trick that consultants used to play on medical students (you'd get sacked now, of course). When a patient has diabetes, the urine is often sugary. The consultant would ask the nurse for a sample of urine in a bowl, dip his finger into it, lick his finger and take a guess at how high the patient's blood sugar was (of course he had looked at the charts earlier). He'd then pass the bowl around all the students how would each dutifully dip a finger in and taste the urine to "learn" how to assess how sugary it is.
Of course, the consultant had dipped one finger in, licked a different finger and hastily washed the urine off.
You speak the truth.
I was told about that trick by my high school biology teacher, so when a consultant tried it at medical school I was already wise to it and I did the finger switcheroo just like the consultant had. He noticed me switch, but the student next to me didn't...
A few years back I was a Paramedic. We had a station cleaner with a "delicate stomach" and a thing about vomit. The slightest hint of diced carrot sent her retching to the toilet.
On afternoon shift I had vegetable soup and some very nice bread. The soup was warned in the microwave and served along with the bread in a vomit bowl. I sat down, dipped the bread in the soup and started eating.
It took some time to clear up afterwards and I now understand why it was called the "mess room"