Absolutely brilliant idea, of course it is the oft stated wet dream of that economic genius in his own fantasies (Strangely also on that panel) who can now ensure that $200/month (+GST) minimum cost for the basic broadband service that he promised.
After all why stop at Satellite and wireless, those advantaged customers on the node or FTTP need to pay extra to cover the install, operational and maintenance costs of that poor bugger 600 Metres down the road on crap copper on FTTN, after all AT&T is going for FTTP with 100Mb up to 1Gb, so any company can run the infrastructure to provide the service and claim subsidy to cover their costs, that farmer 2K off the road and 5K out of upper Quambatook North can now get FTTP, paid for by a surcharge on those greedy buggers sponging off us all in their apartments fed by cheap easy to run FTTB.
fraudband will hardly have to install anything, the gold rush is on.
Just think Tony will get his 1 Million new jobs, as the total costs of every customer will have to be calculated and verified and adjustments calculated and applied, a bureaucratic Nirvana all paid for by that surcharge (+GST) at no cost to the taxpayer or the budget.
That Privately owned Pay TV portion of the HFC must also be included with appropriate levies applied, the corporate and backhaul and transit links must also be factored and equalisation costs applied as well as Carriers privately owned fibres including within the HFC Fibre cables. The work incolved in calculating and applying all these values will require a major bureaucratic industry
I million new jobs will be a conservative estimate, all praise to our fearless and brilliant leader.
After all the principle must be equitably applied to all communications sectors, including the to be sold Government network.
What an exiting time for beancounters
Sheer genius