back to article Australian Labor Party toys with a return to fibre, sometime, somewhere

The Australian Labor Party is considering whether it might be able to revive some kind of fibre-to-the-premises policy to take to the 2016 election. It's put forward a proposed policy platform, which will have to get past its backroom policy-making sausage factory, that includes a “two-stage” national broadband network (NBN …

  1. P. Lee

    Now they are just making it hard

    Melbourne East-West Link or Fibre.


  2. pro-logic

    Fibre! Fibre! Fibre!

    The great thing about Fibre (to the Home) is it's the answer to so many questions we haven't even come up with yet. So Fibre! Fibre! Fibre!

    1. Thorne

      Re: Fibre! Fibre! Fibre!

      To the majority of Australians the Liberal's NBN gives them absolutely nothing more than what they have now. At least fibre has an upgrade path for the future as where copper has already hit the limit.

      1. pro-logic

        Re: Fibre! Fibre! Fibre!

        After the recent storms in Sydney the Telstra pits in my street got flooded and the Internet went to hell.

        This being the same copper that will be used under the Lib NBN, which means rain will keep being a problem... which is a laugh.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Fibre! Fibre! Fibre!

          How many NBN customers lost all their phones and internet completely due to the same storms?

          Most people would prefer a working but noise phone to none at all after a storm that did significant damage.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If the bible mentioned pray via fibre

    The LNP would have it installed in a thrice.

    Bunch of religious zealots they are.

  4. david 12 Silver badge

    Think of the children!

    They're still going with their original marketing:

    "we will provide health services in the future ... we deliver a world class education to our kids ... we build a strong and growing economy"

    This was the model sold by the big ISP's and in particular Optus. It doesn't say anything about Netflix.

  5. Tailgator

    Motherhood statements

    - seem to be the go.

    I doubt the ALP will embrace Turnbull's MTM concept and my interpretation of the 'two stage' NBN policy statement is that it implies having to deal with the contractual obligations and the reality of the Liberal Policy. Perhaps they will re-focus on FTTP, re-direct FTTN contracts to the most needy areas, and put upgraded HFC and FTTN areas at the very bottom of the FTTP list. Imo they could do worse.

    There's a discussion thread on the ALP policy options here ....

  6. Medixstiff

    What's the bet.

    As the election gets closer, we start seeing FTTN and FTTB sites popping up in greater numbers so the Fibber-alls can say they are building the NBN quicker and cheaper, when they've been dragging it out since they got in.

    It doesn't take a crystal ball to see Abbott and co. being one term blunders.

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