What is the point of this article?
Why did you bother writing this article? Microsoft told you not to expect a finished product, that there would be glitches. Then you write an article that is a gripe about how its not a finished product. Is there some perverse sanctification you attained writing this? What is cathartic?
I am perfectly capable of imagining what might go wrong, how seem-less it might *not* be. I am much less able to imagine what it *could* be, what the potential for such a device *might* be. I have not had the fantastic opportunity to try it, I have not had the opportunity to talk with the designers and product managers about how it could potentially be used. If I had that opportunity, I really hope I would not have been a tw*t and asked moronic engineering questions.
It must be incredibly frustrating at events like Build when showing off something new because the audience is, for the most part, a collection of conservative Luddites without any imagination and an insistence on asking the same inane questions.
It reminds of the time back the late 90's when Bill Gates showed off a handheld touch screen. Was the potential of this crude early device seized upon by those lucky enough to have a go? No. It was derided for being too heavy, too low res, having a short battery life. In other words all the same thoughtless engineering crap. Disappointed by the underwhelming response Microsoft did not push the project any further. But another organization, one with a more creative constituency did, and the rest, as they say, it history.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.