back to article CHEATER! Test labs out AV vendor for using rival's engine

Chinese anti-virus vendor Qihoo 360 has been caught cheating on benchmarking tests by submitting versions running A-V engines from rival Bitdefender. The company has been reprimanded by established testing outfits Virus Bulletin, Av-Comparatives, and AV-Test which withdrew its 2015 certifications. In a joint statement [PDF] …

  1. Anonymous Coward

    What do you expect

    (Sadly), cheating is a way of life in modern China.

    I have had run-ins with 360 in the past when trying to remove malware from my wifes PC; 360 kept blocking me from removing it, wouldnt shut down OR uninstall, so I could get at the malware, and turned out to be the SOURCE of half of the malware!!!

  2. GoNoGo

    Anything Wrong?

    As one of my investment banking friends in China told me. Dirty money is clean if you use it to make your family happy. If you get caught, well, you weren't good enough. Tough.

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