back to article Reg Lectures serve up Net Terrors, Rare Earths, and Ancient Tech

If you want to get ahead of the on-beach reading lists this year, you need to get down to our next series of Register Lectures. We’ve lined up three lecture evenings that will leave you streets ahead of your colleagues. And as always, it’s you, the readers, who will be asking the questions of our top notch speaker lineup. All …


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  1. Benjamin 4

    Is there any way of obtaining a webcam feed of the talk? The light and dark on the internet talk sounds interesting but I don't especially fancy the journey into London and for a lot of people it would be impractical, so it seems it would make sense to me to offer a web feed for say £5. Especially since we're supposed to be a tech website.

  2. The Indomitable Gall

    Now I know from previous articles that these lectures are held in London, but wouldn't it be worth mentioning that, like, you know, in the article...?

  3. Charles Osborne

    This side of the pond might like to watch

    (It's good to watch.)

    And even pay.

    (It's good to pay.)

  4. Slacker@work

    All in the godless south...

    So for those of us of a white walker/wildling disposition its a no go.

    Will there be webcasting???

  5. duncan campbell

    "Rare Earth"

    The reason the Chinese control the rare-earth market has nothing to do with shortage: most placer metal ops produce these. The Chinese, however, have a TRADITIONAL, FUNCTIONING extraction industry because they used RARE EARTHs FOR Pottery glazes and colors.

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