Many a true word said in jest.
Who runs this world? Sony Pictures CEO jokes about getting UK culture minister fired
Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton mulled pulling strings to get UK culture minister Ed Vaizey fired to replace him with the grandson of former prime minister Harold MacMillan. Vaizey, a democratically elected Tory moderniser, oversaw "digital industries" for Britain's Coalition government – from broadband to copyright …
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Monday 20th April 2015 00:40 GMT veti
Re: Totally unsurprising
This is true in every political system (at least, every one that's ever been used on any scale larger than a small village). Certainly not unique to the UK.
But you'll note the whole thing is a joke, and the respondent even points out that he'd need to be in Parliament before it could work. In that respect at least, the UK is significantly more democratic than, for instance, the USA.
Saturday 18th April 2015 16:29 GMT x 7
So....we have a mouthpiece for a modern-era foreign zaibatsu, convening (or congealing) with a highflying member of the clitterati, conspiring with a lizard-grandson of a leading illuminati to put pressure on a tory powerplayer and probable mason to sack a mere mortal human.
How many conspiracy theories can you find in a story? How many strings are being pulled? I say shoot the lot of them. Conspiring politicos, especially unelected or self-appointed ones, deserve every bullet they get.
Saturday 18th April 2015 17:29 GMT Vimes
It was the last Labour government that pushed through the Digital Economy Act shortly before they lost the last election, with Labour bigwigs meeting with media moguls.
The conservatives are far from the only ones with dodgy friends. When it comes to this sort of thing there is no choice. Don't think your vote will make the blindest bit of difference when it comes to who holds the power.
Saturday 18th April 2015 17:50 GMT Vimes
And as for Dunstone, didn't he used to support the Labour party? I seem to recall Peter Mandelson attending Dunstone's wedding a number of years ago.
The telecoms & media industries seem to have their tentacles all over the place. Just look at Labour and BT (Patricia Hewitt was a non-executive director there for a while) whilst with the conservatives we have Ian Livingston (former MD at BT) being given a peerage and a position as unelected trade minister in government.
Sunday 19th April 2015 04:20 GMT amanfromMars 1
New Great Games ... Not the same as the older Great Game
Quite so, Vimes. Well said, Sir and/or Madam.
With particular and peculiar regard to APT ACTivity and the Digital Economy in Live Operational Virtual Environments with Political Puppet Theatricals, who and/or what rules over who and/or what, and for and to what greater end with new beginnings, is surely the whole essence and raisin d'être of the Great Game and Greater IntelAIgent Games which deliver Futures and Derivatives of Futures for Suppliers/Internetworking Service Providers of Presents. Quite whether such is as a MMORPG Morph and Meme Variation on Sub-Prime and a G-Cloud Theme and within the ken with command and control of conventionally perceived sources and traditionally conceived forces, is that which is currently always aptly and actively too, vulnerability and penetrations testing all defences and attack protocols.
Here be a live virtual round and exploding XSSXXXX grenade ...... and as an email an opportunity to engage with/in leaderships .......
Please consider the following premise, which is an already active and surreally attractive and beautifully addictive Global Operating Devices Program/APT ACT App and Deep and Dark Web Virtual Machine Programming Project.
"Helping people live safer, more secure lives" via "Software Engineering, Information Management and Testing" is only easily made possible if one controls and commands the narrative, and ideally one has quite an absolute and ultimate command and control of all available powers and levers, whenever IT drivers and delivers creative imaginative mutually beneficial positively reinforcing solutions to sticky problems on epic scales with Sublime InterNetworking Services and Internet Server Provision of a local/national/international/internetional/universal narrative ........ Superbly Scripted Tales and Trails for Multi-Media Enablement and Regeneration of Smart and Smarter Species/Virtually Programmed Machines which can easily be treated as Humanity.
Is such an Advanced IntelAIgent Program and CyberIntelAIgent BasedD Project, a subject and object of desire to interest and engage Powers That Be [PBUH] and/or Powers that want to be and dare can and can dare win win?
If so, further discussion providing more details are easily arranged with contact details provided in messaging..
Have a nice day.
Monday 20th April 2015 07:16 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: New Great Games ... Not the same as the older Great Game
I, for one, welcome AManFromMars' political commentary, which makes far more sense than the mainstream media. That first sentence, spurning the use of punctuation and with delightfully whimsical gratuitous capitalisation, came closer to explaining the Westminster system than anything else so far.
Monday 20th April 2015 04:44 GMT amanfromMars 1
Crazy Power Surge .......with the Registering of SMARTR ActivIT
Quite so, AC. And I wonder if in a couple of weeks from nothing, a national protest which has voters putting their crosses against all candidates on their voting papers to transparently clearly register their realisation and the displeasure with the failure of inept private and piratical politically incorrect partied leadership, to show new ways forward with media into a future,which can be really anything which one desires with an HyperRadioProActivated Imagination and Perfect Pragmatic Virtualisation, and abundantly heavenly rather than austerely hellish.
Wwwords Create Command and Control and Crush Wwworlds, which is why some in the present and past have been kept secret and hidden from general view, for the private and personal benefit of the Few/TPTB?!.
The Future though thinks to share everything with everybody so that the Bigger Picture can reveal itself in all of ITs Glory.
Secrets are for losers and for those up to no good. Period.
Vive la Virtuelle Revolution. :-) I Kid U Not :-) Poe's Law Rules.:-)
He knows nothing and thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career. - George Bernard Shaw (in Major Barbara)
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought. - Simon Cameron
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx
A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen. - Winston Churchill
Monday 20th April 2015 10:13 GMT Anonymous Coward
If you vote Red or Blue, you might as well live in a single party state...
Neither really differ.. neither actually try to solve problems, they just argue...
Take the Trident replacement Issue
The Problem: it costs money & many disagree, yet it is vital to our countries defence.
Their Solution: replace like for like.... costing billions and gain nothing...
My Preferred Solution: Arm the astute class with nuclear cruise missiles, maybe also the Type45's, use the freed up money to buy more Ships/Subs
Monday 20th April 2015 15:23 GMT amanfromMars 1
Meanwhile, in a Bletchley Park type Adastral Park v4.2 Venue ......
We still design and build nuclear warheads. Want we don't make are the delivery systems, though building a freefall nuke bomb would still be within our capabilities. ... x 7
The most potent and destructive of weapons systems nowadays are virtualised and capture hearts and minds and souls and bodies with truths which are impossible to deny have a growing validity and are being cynically ignored by media and spun by puppets and muppets as being dangerously anti-establishmentarian?
Ok, so be it, for they most certainly can be and are, but that is the System's problem to suffer.
Monday 20th April 2015 20:03 GMT x 7
Re: Meanwhile, in a Bletchley Park type Adastral Park v4.2 Venue ......
"The most potent and destructive of weapons systems nowadays are virtualised and capture hearts and minds and souls and bodies with truths which are impossible to deny have a growing validity and are being cynically ignored by media and spun by puppets and muppets as being dangerously anti-establishmentarian?"
No. Thats crap. If you substitute "mistruth" for "truth" them you may -just- have an arguable point
Monday 20th April 2015 11:15 GMT Anonymous Coward
Misuse of company resources for personal use?
So a Sony employee was using a corporate email account for a private jokey chat with an old friend, does he not possess a private email account?
If I was a Sony shareholder, I'd be wondering how many other corporate resources he was using in a personal rather than corporate capacity.
I guess he may like the rest of us invest in a personal email account now he knows how poor his corporate security is!
Monday 20th April 2015 11:47 GMT Amorous Cowherder
The lives of the great and the good eh? Yep some bloke who runs a division of worldwide tech company just decides to fire a government minister in the UK and put his best mate in charge. When these sorts have such a disconnected sense of reality, it's no wonder no one has any trust in govs and corps.