_One_ of the possible reasons that there is no equality in the female/female 'getting jiggy' market, is because of those nasty men again, hiding under the metaphorical bed, waiting to (ahem) infiltrate and make a mockery of all that is good and wholesome in this world.
OooKkkiedokie. Gotcha!
This is why I stopped reading the radical feminist Guardian a little while back, just around when they purposely ruined the paper with their unusable design. It seemed like a good time to quit. I made a few posts here about how you could practically post anything at all at the Guardian, and it wouldn't get deleted. Yet, totally innocent comments made from a male point of view were deleted without warning within minutes. But what I found _really_ shocking, and the reason I stopped reading the paper was because, and you may not believe this, but it's true, whenever I would post 'Look, we have differences as genders, can't we all just stop this warring and be a little nicer to each other, eh?' - that stuff was deleted within seconds. The Guardian has a radical feminist agenda and I want nothing to do with it at all.
I thought it would be difficult giving up my favourite newspaper, but it has been remarkably easy. I have not read one article there or posted one comment there in the however many months it is, I decided to boycott it. I mentioned this here when I first joined around the same time. I said I wouldn't bang on about the 'radical feminist guardian', and I haven't, but sorry, this was just too good an opportunity to miss. I'll shut up again now.
As for dating apps. Really? You do that? That works? For one night stands, or for relationships? You can have it. Good luck to you.
Regarding a female/female app, that would only cause as much havoc in the realm as the other apps have caused. They have destroyed more than they have created. The chickens are still not fully home to roost, but it won't be long now. Same as the effects of pornography on children under 13. Give it a generation or so, at the most. That's another 10 years, and this landscape is going to look very very different. With a lot of people thinking, 'what the fuck _was_ I thinking?', but I'm probably crediting them with too much soul searching after the event.
We have a war on here. A gender war. It is being stoked by the very same people that bring us the war machine. The ones that bombard us non-stop with their psychological operations. Oh how I wish I had a tin foil hat. But alas no, just my long studied disparate eastern philosophies - Confuciansism, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. etc. etc...
First, _they_ destroyed the community. They did this by various means. Turning every man into a paedophile was one, destroying the public house and live music venues was another. No more community centres for kids to play ping pong, no funding you see, and besides, who would want to actually nurture a child? Give it guitar lessons, teach it advanced French perhaps (ho ho ho), what about a spot of camping? Only a nasty dirty little paedo would. So it's just as well they have all gone.
Second, _they_ destroyed the family unit. That's mummy and daddy to you kids. Again, being a student of eastern teachings, this is very easy to see why. The family unit is a strong unit. A resistant unit. Extended families are even stronger. Now the only families that prevail are 'crime' families. And look how well they are doing. While our boys are dodging bullets and bombs in Afganistan, they have the run of the council block. None dare oppose them. Not even the police.
They did this by castrating the male via laws of the land. Divorce rape is the name for it some use. But so many more ways, again. Again via the media. Men are nothing but scum. Is the message. The statistics for male suicide at certain age ranges is through the roof. No wonder. I know how they feel. I spend more time researching successful and painless suicide methods than I ever would on a 'dating' app. But enough about me. They could have brought about this redistribution of power to destroy the family unit, by other means, but the male was the one with his head above the parapet. It was nothing personal. Strictly business.
Thirdly, _they_ destroyed the personal relationship, between men and women. Even between men/men and women/women. I know of as many unhappy and tortured souls in gay relationships as straight. Being gay does not lead to a wonderful path of happiness that is not available to the straight amongst us. How have they achieved this? The media again. They wait, they watch. They plant false stories with no backup or source. The people, too busy frothing at the mouth do not question. The gauge our reactions, they write it down, they aggregate it. They wait, they watch. They poke us with the stick again to see what we will do.
They do it through advertising. It's a given that men are portrayed as chumps in ads. Whilst women are 'empowered'. Yet, women are not empowered enough yet. I say, give them the power. Give it all to them. Give them every last drop they desire. What will they do with it? Will they be any better than 'men behaving badly'? Besides, they do all this through many other means as well. But this is the phase we are at now.
They _have_ destroyed the community. They _have_ destroyed the family unit. They are busy little bees deconstructing the personal relationship. We are in its very midst. Be under no illusions the game that is being played here.
And you know what is coming next don't you? They are already doing reconnaissance for this, with the odd snatch squad already employed surreptitiously here and there. That's right, they want to destroy the sovereignty of your very own mind. The final frontier. The goal. The prize. The real end game.
They will do this via the internet, via google, via data rape, via the making of laws no one asked for and no one wants and no one can oppose, or even question. All your data on one big database, shared with any person in authority, or any authority themselves. They are already sewing the seeds for this. All your medical records will be sold and leaked. Any mental health/sexual problem issues you might have will be available at that roadblock. In fact they are available now to your landlord along with details of your debt. They recently gave a shot across the bows the other day. ALL YOUR PORNOGRAPHIC VIEWING HABITS may one day be leaked. O'rlly?
In other words, you will have no sovereign internal state of the mind. Your mind, your fears, your desires will be a silly little amusement, but a serious one all the same, to be used against you by any party with power over you. Never ever stick your head above the parapet. You will by this point be beaten, with recourse only to forbidden means, and then the real end game will start. Like game of thrones, just as a new epoch ends, a new one will start. It doesn't get better. It never gets better from here. The game was lost years ago.
I see communities ripped apart. Can we get an app for them to come together again, even if it is just for the night?
I see families ripped apart. Can we....
I see relationships ripped apart. Can...
Whole communities turning against each other. Families turning against each other. Man/wife turning against each other. Where is the questioning and pleading for an app for that?
But they know what makes us tick, from the fear to the love to the desire to the hate. In all our hearts. They know it works, their little game. They know that we allow them to keep doing this to us. And so they will keep doing it. Forever.
Nothing would make me happier for people to come together and enjoy each other, sexually, spiritually, emotionally, physically. But even when this app gets created, just like the internet slum, it will not enrich their lives one iota. They will want something else, something more, to empower them, in their truly impotent and pathetic little lives. The darkness inside that can never be filled. The void...
It's back to my studying of the great eastern religions/philosophies etc.
What interesting times we live in.