The moon was formed as the result of a planet-shattering explosion at the site of the Extremely Large Hyperhadron Collider, a device invented, owned and operated by the Sh'takell M'gafli, a race descended from a common ancestor of Velociraptor some 3 trillion years ago, who venerated mathematics and science to the degree that even the meanest intellect could do complex number manipulation in their heads in a trice (a trick made easier by rote teaching of the -1 times tables in infant's school, a couple of numbers and an arithmetic operator we haven't rediscovered yet and the popular "Lets Do Some Hard Matrix Sums" prime-time holovision show).
The accident occurred when a drunken caveman wandered into the control room and twiddled a few knobs when no-one was paying attention.
The resulting explosion pulverised the supercontinent of Zha Gathor, ejecting much of it into space where it coalesced into what we today call "The Moon". Unfortunately the shockwave squished to paste every living being on the planet, melted most of what was left of the planet itself and set fire to the atmosphere, burning it into carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate soot.
It was yonks before everything grew back again.