Two pairs of eyes?
One pair above the other, Abelard Snazz style , or all bunched up together like a cartoon spider?
The world needs to know.
Scientists have revealed a terrifying-sounding new species of lobster-like marine creature that pre-dates the first living dinosaur by 250 million years. The Yawunik kooetenayi is understood to have swam in Earth's waters some 508 million years ago. "Yawunik had evolved long frontal appendages that resemble the antennae of …
They appear to be rather tiny.. maybe 10 cm - 12 cm from the photos in the article. I'm guessing they were the crayfish (crawdads) of that period. It would take a bunch to make a dinner. Yeah... we'll never know if they were better broiled and dipped in butter or boiled in some Cajun hot sauce....
Boffins at work
The artist impression of Yawunik kootenayi
1) Hiking at da shale? Sure beats trying to discover the latest fuckup in the innards of Microsoft Exchange.
2) 3D model of the animal? Darwin would approve.
3) Unrelated but of the interest matching criterium is fuzzily valued at "high": Did Neurons Evolve Twice?