Re: Hypocrisy or stupidity?
"Hypocrisy or stupidity?
Apple say they can't support a law which leaves people free to run their business as they like"
There are lots of laws in place to deny bosses the freedom to run their businesses as they like. The purpose of most of these laws is to force business owners to behave more decently: to permit workers to have holidays, to ensure that workers' safety is maintained, to prevent pollution, to ensure that businesses pay tax, and all sorts of other things conducive to society's overall benefit.
Denying business owners the freedom to run their businesses as they like is a Very Good Thing.
Government makes these laws, of course: government is how civilised people arrange their society for their benefit. Government in any given place might not work particularly well, but properly organized democratic government is simply we the people deciding how we want to run society and of course one of the points of government is to take away individual liberty for the greater good.
And yes it IS for the greater good that individuals should be denied the right to murder, rape, steal - and to be denied the right to break health and safety laws, pollute the environment, evade tax, or use their bigotry as an excuse to prevent someone enjoying a full part in society alongside everyone else.
The only thing wrong with anti-discrimination legislation in my book is that it doesn't protect enough people.
"The solution to the gay marriage "problem": get government out of marriage."
That is probably the silliest idea Craigness has put forward yet.
Because government regulates marriage, benefits result: married couples have legally enforceable rights and responsibilities towards each other and their children; married couples also have rights as a partnership which others are legally obliged to honour.
If you take government out of marriage, then all that useful social structure falls apart - and to be replaced by what, exactly?
A hodge-podge of a myriad different arrangements, with half the nation refusing to recognise the various marriages concocted by the other half? And no-one with any legally enforceable rights and responsibilities towards their partners and their children?
This is a solution, is it? I think not.
Governments do useful things and for now, though I am an anarchist in my soul, I'd rather live somewhere with a government than without.