back to article Hey, you just picked up a Solidfire flash box? Dude, you bought a Dell

Dell is selling Solidfire's all-flash arrays to service providers. Although Dell flogs its own all-flash Storage Centre arrays, it has an agreement with Colorado startup Solidfire to push the latter's scale-out all-solid-state-drive arrays. Dell spokesperson Lon Levitan told The Register: Yes, it’s true. The SolidFire …

  1. Anonymous Coward


    I'm trolling hard here because I keep up with Dell like I can keep up with 5 year olds, but has Dell ever produce a product out of the ordinary after they have gone private? Something similar to how Stephen King wrote Stand By Me, something like that?

    1. Mark Cathcart

      Re: Trolling...

      "ever" and "after they've gone private" are really nonsensical. Do you know a single company that could go from zero to a selling hardware product in the time Dell has been private... So it's really not clear what you actually mean... Something developed as a public and sold when private?

      Thank for your interest, a Dell executive.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    They sell better kit than their own...

    You can also get the full Violin Memory portfolio from Dell as well ... they may ask about the Nutcrapix and Noncompelling storage too...

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