Let the New Great IntelAIgent Games Begin ....
In other news, it is great news for Vapourware though. IT Lives and Prospers and goes long in the Markets and MainStream/Wall Street and Main Street.
VMware's long-hoped for US$1.6bn, five-year deal with the US military has foundered, after the Defence Information Security Agency (DISA) cancelled its request for proposal "to further analyze the Government's needs." The cancellation was revealed last week in a new amendment to the RFP (PDF) The planned five-year deal …
Morning, AC,
Things go from bad to worse and worser whenever questions are avoided and actions thought to be immune from scrutiny are left undefended and supported by arrogance and ignorance ....... http://cryptome.org/2015/03/eop-15-0317.pdf
But there is always something better actively and relatively anonymously replacing follies sublimely and surreally with the virtual tools and ab fab fabless user interfaces freely available to smarter state agents and non-state actors these days, and for 0days and systems vulnerability testing.
And does that cited and shared Executive Office of the President and Office of Administration Disappears Records notification above prove beyond a shadow of any doubt the death and abuse of democracy in the far from United States of America?
Uncle Sam has lost the plot and leading narratives that driver global events and future proactions and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT. Of that there is no real doubt for all those who can follow the apparent and secret evidence.
The RFP process takes years and requires literally hundreds (if not thousands) of pages of responses. In most cases these will have to be hand delivered, printed on paper, in dozens of copies. There will be endless meetings, contract negotiations, etc. and then when the award is announced, the losers appeal - which is what happened here.
So now the government and vendors have spent literally years, killed a forest of trees, wasted yes of thousands of person hours and the need is no closer to being met than it was before the process started.
NZ government is an order of magnitude smaller (and less corrupt) but they appear to have the right idea with all of government contracts and standardized offerings.
As someone who has spent months working on an AFSVA RFP with no government contracting experience, desperately trying to understand the arcane instructions and impossible directions, having FINALLY at the last minute fedexed 18 printed binders and then being informed that the deadline had been pushed back three weeks (Do you want your box returned? You should receive in in 2 months.)
only to have the RFP cancelled afterwards, I can tell you that everyone at VMWare who had an hand in this project is drinking heavily. Especially the sales team.
I spent my life savings believing the government, and now forced to eat cat food in my new swanky pad which I will be evicted from... very soon.
Previous skillsets include:
Selling timeshares
Fiction writer
Expert at expensing golf outings with government customers as milage.
<knock knock.. this is the Sherif>... sorry gotta run.. to be continued from internet cafe.
Maybe someone inside the DoD found out about this thing called kvm that's part of the free-as-in-beer Linux kernel.
On second thought. Nah.
That would require those generals in the Pentagon and their counterpart armchair generals in Congress to actually get off their lazy asses and learn something about the tech they buy with our tax dollars. Why should they do that when all they have to do is watch a parade of vendor PowerPoint presentations and vote for the one from the highest contributor.
Really getting tired of watching those know-nothings piss away the money that's been put in their care by our system of plutocracy.