Hmm anyone wanna start a kickstarter for .wtf and .getmeofftheplanetnow?
Seriously, this is ridiculous.
The latest wave of auctions for new internet extensions has produced some interesting results. Google took part in each of the six top-level domains available to the highest bidder, but won just one - dot-PhD - leaving behind dot-free and, surprisingly, dot-tube (although it does own the rights to register domains under . …
Frankly, the only .phd domain thingy I might want is in a subdomain of the institution that awarded me the damn thing; even if just as an email redirection. Then you all could work out for yourselves whether or not you thought my phd might be worth anything. But Google? What have they got to do with it?
Consequently, I expect every university to sign up for institution.phd in short order.
(Yet another Halmark Holiday - yes, yes, I know there is some antiquated Catholic celebration called Mothering Sunday but that has virtually nothing to do with Mothers Day other than having been co-opted in a vaguely amusing reverse of the traditional process of assimilation..)