back to article RIP Sir Terry Pratchett: Discworld author finally gets to meet DEATH

Sir Terry Pratchett, author of more than 70 books including the hugely popular Discworld series, has died at his home in the company of his family and cat. He was 66. Terry took Death’s arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night. — Rhianna Pratchett (@rhipratchett) March 12, 2015 …

  1. Robert E A Harvey

    Oookk. OOK.

    Oookkk oook ook.


    1. The Mole

      Re: Oookk. OOK.

      I couldn't have expressed it better myself.

    2. dogged

      Re: Oookk. OOK.

      or possibly


    3. Chris King

      Re: Oookk. OOK.

      SQUEAK? (twich whiskers)


      1. big_D

        Re: Oookk. OOK.




        Ah, I've been expecting you.


        Well, of course, I created you!


        Whatever, let's get on with it shall we.


        Do you have any questions...

        I didn't mean that you should swing that thing, I thought you were going to ask me some questions.


        Oh, brother!


  2. Paul Crawford Silver badge

    Sad to hear, his books provided a lot of entetainment over the years :(

    1. obrien

      But at least they still will for many years to come.

  3. 45RPM

    Well damn. That's put a dampener on my day. My condolences to his family and friends, and I hope that one of them will nurture the Discworld - and that this won't see the end of his amazing creation. I also hope that Death, for Terry, is everything he hoped he would be.

    1. mike2R

      "I hope that one of them will nurture the Discworld"

      Got to say my instinctive reaction to that is not positive. I love the world as much as the next fan, and I did truly want to know where he was taking it, and Ankh-Morpork in particular. I'd be very interested in reading any collections of notes and/or conversations from those who knew him on the subject.

      But the reason I love the world so much isn't anything to do with that, it was due to his brilliant writing and wit. Without that, there isn't any point. Any continuation by another author would almost certainly be a pallid imitation. If there is another author who truly does have the ability to write a Discworld novel worthy of the name, I think I'd much prefer to read their own original work, without all the constraints of imitating the style and backstory of Sir Terry's.

      1. veti Silver badge

        This, exactly. Any author sufficiently talented to continue Pterry's work on the Disc, is also sufficiently talented to make their own setting without all the baggage.

        Apart from the odd tribute story, I don't want to see any more Discworld.

    2. MrDamage Silver badge

      I heard rumours

      That Rhianna was going to take over the reins of Discworld. She is a fun storyteller in her own right, and anyone who has played Overlord, and Overlord 2, should be more than familiar with her sense of humour being a chip off the old block.

      Farewell, Sir Pterry. Your books could lighten the darkest, dreariest day, and brought smiles to millions worldwide. You will be missed greatly.


      1. I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

        The last books and testament

        Sad to say that his last books showed how badly Altzheimer's can maul you. Obviously the people he wrote with shouldered most of those books, I hope to god his daughter doesn't do worse:

        "Rhianna's father chose Rhianna to be the 'custodian' of the Discworld before he died. Rhianna has clarified that she will 'hold the reins' of the Discworld, rather than actively participate in the series, and that she will most likely not be writing any 'new' Discworld novels."

        I would rather them mustruming on the shelves of the great unseen than that.

        1. Lee D Silver badge

          Re: The last books and testament

          Like Japanese TV series, try to end on a high. Don't drag it out, eeking every ounce of nostalgia out of it until the series is over half junk. Let it go, let it finish, and then enjoy what it was forever. Rather than wishing for what it could have been "if only".

          Some things OUGHT to come to an end. I'm sure Sir Terry had at least one thing he wanted to see end, himself. Let it finish, be magnificent and the work of a genius front-to-back forever more, not some watered-down sequelled-to-death money-grab.

          But, to be honest, I couldn't even stand the TV adaptations.

          Some things should just stay in books. And some books should come to an end. Hell, some books shouldn't ever finish completely (good and bad).

          Let it die with Sir Terry, and be his.

      2. Jedit Silver badge

        "I heard rumours that Rhianna was going to take over the reins of Discworld."

        They're not rumours. Pterry announced three years ago that he was leaving the reins to her. However, she doesn't feel that she could do his work justice in the form of novels and will be restricting herself to Discworld projects In other media: scripts for the Watch TV series and a Wee Free Men movie are in development.

        (Given her background in computer games ... how about a Discworld MMO?)

  4. Otto is a bear.

    The turtle has stoped

    but in our hearts the disc will still turn.

    1. Elmer Phud

      Re: The turtle has stoped

      Nope, the turtle still moves.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: The turtle has stoped

        The turtle moves, but no chelonian descends with high velocity on the collective heads of our many Vorbises. Indeed there is no justice, there is only HIM.

  5. MJI Silver badge

    Was a shock

    Saw it as headlines on BBC news site.

    Great writer, sadly gone.

  6. dogged

    It's sad but also not sad

    because of the Alzheimer's.

    As it turned out, he never lost his marbles entirely and he didn't end up in a depressing hotel in Switzerland, far from a home that denies people their final release from pain and misery. He died in his own bed, with his family on a pleasant-ish* spring day in Wiltshire.

    That's called "winning".

    * ie - perfect for Terry.

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: It's sad but also not sad

      Good post. With which I whole-heartedly agree.

      I'm still sad though. I'm not normally one to feel this way when someone famous dies. I didn't know them, after all. So I wouldn't normally post. But I've loved his books for years, and also really admired his programs on the Dignitas clinic and the one on possibly Alzheimers treatment.

      But as you say, it cannot be counted anything but a success to die with your loved ones around you in your own bed, after a good life, having made some mark on the world and had a positive effect on many peoples' lives.

      Sniff sniff... I appear to have something in my eye...

      1. Dave 126 Silver badge

        Re: It's sad but also not sad

        >I'm still sad though. I'm not normally one to feel this way when someone famous dies.

        The same here - it's only been Terry Pratchett, Iain Banks and John Peel whose deaths have brought a lump to the throat... the common denominator seems to be humour. And beards.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's sad but also not sad

      Sad that he has passed away, but its good that he didn't have to slowly waste away and live in a nursing home for years.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward



    1. Richard Taylor 2


      Does Death bother with twitter - other than anticipating applying a scythe in due course?

      1. Jason Hindle Silver badge



        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Death bothers with everything.

          Everyone and everything will come to an end eventually, and the oldest, kindest member of the Discworld cast will be there for them.

  8. TonyJ

    Heart breaking

    I, like I am sure, a lot of others here did, started reading his books from the very first time they appeared.

    I loved his wit and the way he could spin a pun was quite literally second to none.

    I looked forward to every one of his books and will genuinely miss his work.

    RIP Sir Terry. You will be sadly missed

  9. roomey

    Influence on El Reg

    I have long suspected may authors here at El Reg were heavily influenced by his style! It's why I am a loyal paying customer :)

    RIP Terry

  10. Dave Walker 1

    A most terminal embuggerance

    RIP Sir Terry. He was a thoroughly splendid chap the time I met him - happy to spend time with the avid readers of an enchanting universe. I'll be raising one to him and his skeletal chaperone tonight

  11. William Donelson


    ... and Dick Cheney lives on. Truly this world is f'cked.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "... and Dick Cheney lives on."

      Here's a thought; Put aside your partisan obsessions for just one moment while the rest of us mark the passing of an exceptional human being.

      1. I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

        > Here's a thought; Put aside your partisan obsessions for just one moment while the rest of us mark the passing of an exceptional human being.

        Here is another thought. We have at least one death we can all really look forward to.

        Seriously, yesterday I was contemplating that arse of a book he wrote last and reminded of two even worse ones that he jointly wrote with another loser. At least he won't tarnish any further than that. Thinking that at least there are some scumbags I will enjoy news of the nomoreness of is a balm for a sad day.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          "Seriously, yesterday I was contemplating that arse of a book he wrote last and reminded of two even worse ones that he jointly wrote..."

          So have you read all three? Or are you just parroting the opinion of others who also wish death for 'Darth' Cheney? And if you have read them, did that harrowing experience so scar you that only his death can bring a smile to your lips once more?"

        2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

          I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects,

          No man is an island,

          Entire of itself,

          Every man is a piece of the continent,

          A part of the main.

          If a clod be washed away by the sea,

          Europe is the less.

          As well as if a promontory were.

          As well as if a manor of thy friend's

          Or of thine own were:

          Any man's death diminishes me,

          Because I am involved in mankind,

          And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

          It tolls for thee.

          I thought of this yesterday, because I was musing on the fact that Terry Pratchett's death has affected me, even though I never knew the man. And normally I wouldn't say that about someone I didn't know. It might be sad, but I rarely feel it personally. Anyway it didn't seem to quite fit, so I didn't bother.

          However it's appropriate here I think.

          Whereas I'm not sure your sentiments were. I didn't know Sir Terry, but after reading 40-odd books of his (maybe 8,000 pages or a couple of million words) - I think I can safely say that he wouldn't agree.

  12. fruitoftheloon


    Need say no more

    Have one on me...


    1. dogged

      Re: ONE IS SAD

      It's a good thing you're buying. As many, many afpers* will tell you, he never once bought a round.

      *if you have to ask, you aren't one. You weren't there, man, you weren't...

      1. Graham Marsden

        @dogged - Re: ONE IS SAD

        > he never once bought a round.

        He never needed to, people at Discworld Cons were practically queueing up to buy him drinks!

        - Affordable Graham :-/

        1. dogged

          Re: @dogged - ONE IS SAD

          > - Affordable Graham :-/

          Hi. Bryan here. I remember you, and your dodgy website.

          Early on when we started doing that stuff, before any Conventions happened at all, he used to just show up in pubs where some of us were meeting up. Sometimes there'd only be 7 or 8 people there and then suddenly there was a Hat that wasn't Alan Bellingham. Never bought a round.

          Despite somebody once saying "who's round is it? Well, which one of us is a millionaire?"

          1. Graham Marsden

            Re: @dogged - ONE IS SAD

            What's dodgy about it? Pterry even asked for a signed copy of my catalogue!!

            (Where do you think he got the idea for that cupboard full of "interesting" toys in Making Money?!)

      2. Nick L

        Re: ONE IS SAD

        I recently made it my mission to try and find a replacement for my utterly knackered AFP t-shirt. I failed.

        1. eldel

          Re: ONE IS SAD

          Indeed - I will disinter mine for a very rare outing today. A reminder of a beloved old friend that is no longer with us.

  13. King Jack

    No Black Arm Bands

    Wearing my Octarine arm band. Respect.

  14. ukgnome

    His embuggerance caught up with him.

    RIP Sir Terry

  15. Neil Barnes Silver badge


    of an embuggeration.

  16. Locky

    Sad news

    A glass will be raised

  17. Alister

    Turtles all the way down

    At first glance, one would think Terry had little relevance to an IT tech site, but I, and so many, many more of you are long time fans and followers, I know.

    A truly great story teller, and an irreplaceable character, has gone from us today.

    R.I.P. Sir PTerry.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Turtles all the way down

      one would think Terry had little relevance to an IT tech site

      The inventor of Hex had (sad having to write in the past tense) a great deal of relevance to an IT tech site. And for someone who was not a scientist, his explanation of the scientific mentality was spot on. (I guess that was being a journalist who actually did the job properly.) As someone who recognises in myself a great deal of Ponder Stibbons, I can only say how saddened I am to learn that it is indeed Big Red Lever time.

      I haven't read Raising Steam because I was afraid it wouldn't be as good as the earlier books, so there is that to look forward to.

      1. GregC

        Re: Turtles all the way down

        @ Arnaut the less - I can, without any hesitation, recommend that you read Raising Steam. The satire is as biting as ever, and the wit and charm are all there in the usual abundance. Whatever else the disease did to him, it did nothing to impede his ability to tell a story.

        You do need to have read Thud and Snuff first though.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Turtles all the way down


          Well, I have read them...

          However, I have to take a small issue with your post. Pratchett's satire isn't usually biting. Instead, it sidles up to you gently, purrs gently, and watches intently till you suddenly realise which collection of idiots he has just taken to the cleaners.

          1. launcap Silver badge

            Re: Turtles all the way down

            > Instead, it sidles up to you gently, purrs gently, and watches intently

            Much like cats then. Pterry was (for all his faults) a man of impeccable taste in pets(1)


            (1) And indeed was the inspiration of the names of two of our furry overlords(2). One of whom (Kelda) has indeed lived up to her name.

            (2) There is no (2).

      2. Sgt_Oddball

        Re: Turtles all the way down

        I'm almost finished with it but it's still a sharp as ever, though it felt melancholic reading it. Now I know why... Call it a bad omen.

      3. I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

        One of the best

        > I haven't read Raising Steam because I was afraid it wouldn't be as good as the earlier books, so there is that to look forward to.

        It was as good as you could hope for. The ones to watch out for are the evangelical books of lists some jackjean evolutionists he wrote with foist on his faithful flock.

      4. MJI Silver badge

        Re: Turtles all the way down

        Raising Steam is pretty good, Humour is there, The writing style is slightly different. Not surprising, he was using speech recognition.

        Better to go before all marbles have gone.

        I am pleased that he avoided the worst bits and died peacefully at home with his family, and not with assistance.

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Turtles all the way down

      How can any man whose writing desk had 6 monitors on it, not be relevant to an IT site?

      I remember being quite impressed by that setup. Although I don't know how he ever got any actual writing done...

      1. Vulch

        Re: Turtles all the way down

        > man whose writing desk had 6 monitors on it

        When asked in an interview "Why does your desk have six monitors?" he replied "Because I don't have room for eight"

    3. Triggerfish

      Re: Turtles all the way down

      i quite enjoyed his science of the Discworld book, and I remember him turning up on a game show in a red dwarf t shirt. He was more than sufficiently geeky enough to be liked by Tech types his humour certainly seemed to work, know plenty of engineers and science types who have all of his books. Mine are the ones with Josh Kirby on the cover.

    4. JacobZ

      Re: Turtles all the way down

      How can any IT tech site overlook the man who brought us the Silicon Chunk ("Lintel Inside")?

  18. Ashton Black

    Very sad news. His books are wonderful and I've managed to convince my daughter to read them, she loves them too.

    1. VinceH

      That's how I first started reading his books - I was convinced by someone to give Discworld a try a long, long time ago; after initially saying they didn't sound like my cup of tea, she was adamant that I would enjoy them, and I eventually caved and read the first one. I was wrong, she was right.

      I therefore came to the Discworld party quite late, but I soon caught up, and read every one of them to catch up (in the right order) then bought new ones as they were published - and all were thoroughly enjoyable.

      I have yet to read The Long Earth etc, but they're in my ridiculously large pile of unread books (or on order - The Long Utopia). I think I should shift them to the top of the pile.

  19. cs94njw

    I hope he had his potato*.

    And surely if reincarnated he would say, "... this is -ing good paper..."

    * Oook.

  20. Ketlan

    Oh fuck

    A desperately sad day.


    And who could say it any better.

  21. Obitim

    A sad day indeed

    Used to read Terry in my formative years and he was my first brush with celebrity (replying to an email I sent while at uni).

    A truly great writer and the world is a poorer place for losing him. I'll continue to revisit the Discworld from now on, but it will seem a slightly less rich place I fear.

  22. markw:

    I Aten't Dead

    If only ...

    1. Lee D Silver badge

      Re: I Aten't Dead


      For any past / present / future children of mine, this is going to be on my headstone. Or I will come back as a swarm of bees and chase you...

  23. Robert E A Harvey
  24. Zog_but_not_the_first

    We are all a little poorer today

    Says it all really.

    I expect he'll give Death his hardest time since he encountered Bill and Ted.

    1. Tim Bergel

      Re: We are all a little poorer today

      Exactly my thought

    2. Chris King

      Re: We are all a little poorer today

      Or Arnold Rimmer, for that matter -

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm sad

    That is all.

  26. Chris Byers

    This has been on the cards for some time now but now it's happend I'm very, very sad.

    Sadder still is the fact that I will never be able to look forwards to a new Terry Pratchett book and my special shelves at home set aside for his writings will now never get any fuller.

    It's a black, black day for me :(

    RIP Terry, you'll be missed more than I think you could have ever imagined.

    1. DJV Silver badge

      Not quite, apparently there is still a Tiffany Aching book in the pipeline that he completed last year.

      But that's only a small consolation.

      1. Mike Arnautov

        No more ooks

        I am a bit concerned about that new Tiffany Aching book. The last time I saw Sir Terry was about two years ago when he once again gave a talk in the Beaconsfield library. On that occasion he said there would be no more Tiffany books because he found he was falling in love with her. A good and sufficient reason, I think. Clearly he changed his mind later.

        Altogether that last talk was a sad occasion. Having attended a number of his previous talks in the library (including one in which the chief librarian got presented with a bunch of bananas to mark a library's anniversary), it was painful to see him struggling to find words. But the world is still a greyer place without him. I'll have to cheer myself up by re-reading the canon.

  27. Warren Sealey

    If only my time Monk powers were real

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: If only my time Monk powers were real

      Not a monk, just a sweeper.

  28. FartingHippo

    Sad :(

    Quite surprised by how upset I am, to be honest. He will be missed.

    The twitter sign-off was both moving and immensely stylish.

  29. petur

    My reading will never be the same again

    *goes sitting in a corner for a while*

    Rest in peace, Terry

  30. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Thanks for the laughs


  31. GregC


    RIP Sir Terry.

    What a terribly sad couple of weeks.

    But at least, as someone else mentioned, he got out before the embuggerance could do it's very worst, and for that I think he would be glad.

  32. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    ― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

    Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?

    1. Elmer Phud

      Re: ― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

      Sorry, only allowed one upvote.

    2. GreggS

      Re: ― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

      “ is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away... The span of someone's life, they say, is only the core of their actual existence.”

  33. BoldMan

    Bugrit - Millennium hand and shrimp!

    Will miss his particular brand of humanitarian whimsy and humour. I met him twice and he was genuinely funny and friendly. First time was at a writer's convention/workshop in the late 80s where he was very encouraging to me personally - he'd actually read some of my work on the old CiX message board and was very complimentary. Met him for a second time about 10 years later and although he was much more famous by then he remembered me and appeared actually interested in what I'd been doing.

    First time I met him he was wearing this ( t-shirt and I almost wet myself...

  34. Stevie


    Bugger. I thought the world felt a bit tight around the hips this morning.

  35. Uncle Slacky Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Not my writing, but quite appropriate

    The following has been circulating on the intertubes...

    "I would like my pudding now nurse. And then I think I'd like to... write... something... I don't remember what."

    Standing in the corner, he waits. The sand slowly flows, but it nears its end. The old man still glows, as thousands of threads spread away from him.





    The old man looks up, through them at first... and then he sees them. For once, the smile on the hooded figure's skull is genuine.

    "I... I remember you. The anth... ant..."


    "Yes, that. We knew each other?"


    He so rarely said it, and these feelings... remembering his young apprentice, and beloved daughter. The beautiful child they have.

    "There... is a girl, yes?"


    "Well then. You know what they say, two things you cannot avoid. Taxes and..." He looks into the fiery blue eyes, and becomes aware.


    "Quite right. Is it time already? I have so much left to do."


    "No, not cancer. Alzheimers."


    "So, where is the boy? I remember a boy."


    "Ahh. Never much trusted cars. Or horses."


    "Must I?"




    "No. Shame really."


    "Is it truly turtles?"


    "Ahh. I would love to see it. Perhaps a small trip before?"


    "The light is slower there... and there's a monkey...."


    "Yes... will they remember me?"


    "What was that? I could not hear you."


    "I never much liked the trouble people had with you. You seem like a nice fellow."


    "Don't we all?"


    "Is it quick?"


    "Ahh. How about a cup of tea?"


    "No. how about checkers?"

    And so they sat, two old friends regaling each other, though the old man could not remember all of the details, the cloaked man and his rat filled him in, when it was needed.

    - by Nick Mogavero

    1. Chris G

      Re: Not my writing, but quite appropriate

      @ Uncle Slacky; For some reason that made me even sadder but I can imagine it having gone something like that.

      The World is a truly better place for Terry Pratchett having lived and a much sadder place for his having passed but he will not be forgotten as long as there are books.

      RIP Terry and condolences to your family.

    2. dogged

      Re: Not my writing, but quite appropriate

      That actually made me cry fr the friend I've lost. Thank you or damn you.

  36. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    at least

    He left before he forgot Rincewind, Carrot, etc.

    That would've been fucking awful.

  37. Forget It

    “People don't alter history any more than birds alter the sky, they just make brief patterns in it.”

  38. Alan Bourke

    The Unadulterated Cat

    is the best book about cats ever written.

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: The Unadulterated Cat


  39. Daniel von Asmuth


    Terry wrote the book on that too.

  40. stewwy

    One of the truly great writers of our time.

    Everyone could see something of themselves in his characters

    Loved every single one of his books,most caused me to shed a tear or 2 either in laughter or just in the shear enjoyment of life.

    A little bit of the joy has left our Universe, hopefully for a better one.

  41. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Can't help thinking ...

    ... That the article ought to have a footnote or two

  42. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Bye PTerry, see you on the other side of the desert.

  43. phil dude



    RIP TP. (raises glass)

  44. graeme leggett Silver badge

    Seems to have been a constant part of adult life

    It was a mere page or two preview of The Light Fantastic in a issue of White Dwarf that made me (a university student) go and buy it. And enjoy it immensely despite it following directly after the cliffhanger (almost literally) of the first Discworld book.

    Then I fell into getting the hardback books every Christmas and generally reading them that self same day. And between Christmases re-reading them.

    Memories of connecting to CiX for my email and interest groups and reading comments from the man himself.

    I had the privilege of playing The Librarian on the amateur stage in Guards! Guards! - the lines were easier but the costume was heavy, (and Death in the same play). And -though the memory is hazy - some parts in Wyrd Sisters.

    And just the other night I passed a rather crumpled paperback of Mort to my son for his first Pratchett read.

    He had a wonderful grasp of the human condition and the human mind, and I think the appropriate reaction for me is to go and read one of his books again.

  45. Stacy

    I know one shouldn't be, but I'm in total shock over the news. I always said I didn't cry when someone famous who I didn't know personally dies but my wife arrived home this afternoon with me in tears. I thought I was being daft, she commented on just how deeply his writing must have spoken to me.

    So long sir Terry, I only managed to meet you once but you come across as a wonderful person and made the queue of fans feel like you were there for each individual.

    You will be sorely missed by all whose lives you touched :(

    1. Nick L

      Not just shock... Grief.

      I don't really do emotional, but I've been fighting back tears here too. His writing really did affect me: it made me laugh out loud, it made me sweaty about the eyes, it made me ecstatic, it made me rage... You can't go through that emotional wringer and not feel a connection and utter admiration for the genius that put the words together.

      RIP Terry. The thing that's making me smile is, as others have pointed out, you took on Alzheimer's and arguably won.

  46. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    "He had a wonderful grasp of the human condition and the human mind, and I think the appropriate reaction for me is to go and read one of his books again."

    THIS is what I was thinking around, but couldn't quite find the words for.

    Also, his books are a way you can laugh at yourself without being embarrassed by your own failings.

  47. The Librarian



  48. Trollslayer

    Delightfully logical

    The only way I can describe his books.

    He knew how to think with the safety off.

  49. TitterYeNot

    Aw Buggrit...

    First Iain Banks, now Sir Terry. Buggrit again. Creators of magical universes both.

    Condolances to family and friends. I wish I could repay even a small portion of the laughs, smiles and outright guffaws that Terry has given to me and many, many others over the years...

  50. Sarah Balfour

    No grief here…

    …just searing, octarine anger. I'm not going to lie, because I can't lie, I'm SEETHING. I'm SO FUCKING LIVID, there really are no words.

  51. Nunyabiznes

    Being late

    I am one of the unfortunates that never had the chance to meet this rare soul. I also came to know his writing rather late, about 2005 iirc. I'm not sure if that makes me luckier because I have several of his writings unread and waiting for me to devour or star-crossed because I didn't get to enjoy them as they came out. His writing is so far beyond most of the scribbles that get published it is hard to fathom.

    RIP Sir Terry.

    Hopefully you fully realized how much you gave to us and how much we appreciated it.

  52. Red Bren

    Just spoken to Mrs Cake

    Terry says "I'm very happy here, and waiting for you to join me."

  53. DasWezel

    For is it not written

    ... When you have got to go, you have got to go?

    Here's raising one to you, pterry. RIP

  54. Cynical1

    Anyone for a Banana Daquiri?

    He burned so very bright.

    I'm glad he was at home.


    1. veti Silver badge

      Re: Anyone for a Banana Daquiri?

      You mean bananana. I'll be happy to get you one.

      You haven't seen my stepladder, have you?

  55. Ethangar

    Truely sad

    Every one in my family has gone through my 60 odd Pratchett books. I have about 20 of them on audio book to and were always the first choice on long drives with the family. We will miss you Sir Terry.

  56. theastrodragon


    Am I the only one to worry the LHC restarts in two weeks?

    I'm sure its a co-incidence.

    Just as long as it isn't a million-to-one coincidence...

  57. BenR

    First Spock...

    ... and now Pterry.

    2015 can just pack it the fuck in, or just fuck the fuck off.

  58. Efros

    De Chelonian Mobile!

  59. Neoc

    My first Pratchett book was "Mort". How fitting that my first glimpse of him reflects my last.

  60. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I met Sir Terry way back at Warwick University on his Men-at-Arms book tour. He stayed so late signing books and chatting that he missed the last train, and crashed over in our student dorms. his reason? "Every time I sign my name I get a pound," he said. "How long would you sign your name for?" (He did have a little ice bucket thing for his wrist.) We miss you, Sir Terry.

  61. Sanlorenzo

    Not Death.....

    Whilst it is sadly undeniable that Sir T has indeed met Death, I feel sure that he will probably spend most of his time with Susan, except of course when he visits the Klatchian Foreign Legion.

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