Re: Write to your MP & MEP?
My MP is Dom Grieve. I KNOW how much use writing to the cunt'll be.
Small town England; no fucking point attempting to buck the status quo here. I'm living with the enemy, and there's no fucking escape. Most days I'm in too much pain to even THINK straight. Everything I'm FOR, they're AGAINST.
Can we have some kinda mass drive to get weed legalised…? It's honestly the only thing that's gonna help me now. I can't recall the last time I actually SLEPT at night (or at any other time, come to that). It's even more exhausting when you've people on your case 24/7, constantly nagging you about petty shit - stuff that, in the scale of things, is so mind-numbingly trivial, that it doesn't even warrant a mention. Unless you're my mother. I need to be able to do stuff MY WAY,; I have reasons for mistrusting and distrusting the NHS, not least because most of what it espouses is utter tripe, but due to the way I have been treated (which my parents would say, if I told them, was entirely MY fault for "not conforming to the accepted standards of behaviour and carrying on" - I can hear the bitch saying those exact words as I type).
THEY destroyed me; they are the reason that, as a chronological 40-something-year-old, I'm about as adult as your average 3-year-old. They have never - and will never - accept this, as far as they're concerned, they're perfect. As one Richard Ashcroft once opined "I was born a little damaged, man, look what they made…" (and things have to be REALLY bad for me to admit I even used to listen to him!).
I've seen the interior of every nuthouse and every cop shop in every major - and not so major - city, from Newquay to Newcastle, Dover to Dumfries. Mother's had the quack try to risperidone me - fuck that shit; that's perfectly okay, it can't be at all dangerous because it's LEGAL (I have pointed out that it's only legal when prescribed), it's a MEDICINE, not a drug, because it's LEGAL. I made the mistake once of pointing out that they're both hardened drug addicts (my father gets through a bottle of wine a night, and my mother drinks at least 6 standard-sized mugs of coffee daily, and that both caffeine and ethanol are far more dangerous and damaging than anything currently prohibited). Perhaps if we began referring to it as 'trimethylxanthine', people would begin to see it differently (I've only ever seen it referred to as such in ingredients lists on bottles of snake oil diet pills).
Ah well, they'll be up soon. Let another day of ceaseless bullying commence. I SWEAR I'm gonna end up doing 'em in, my mother at least. How DO you deal with minds that closed…?! Don't think I even need mention what bog rolls they read.
If only the nation's foremost andlost eminent authority on controlled substances didn't have the unfortunate name of 'Nutt' - my father would have an absolute FIELD DAY with that! Anyone who challenges perceived wisdom is a "fucking crackpot".
Okay, show's over, you can return to whatever you were doing now…
Look what most people have done by my age…