back to article Huawei preps to drop mobile & wearables lovebombs on U.S.

Chinese comms kit giant Huawei plans to try to woo American consumers in a marketing blitz promoting its mobes and wearables in the US – a country where it has failed to expand thanks to national security concerns expressed by the White House. On a number of occasions over the past few years, Huawei – which has a strong …

  1. BillG

    Chinese Concerns

    Chinese comms kit giant Huawei plans to try to woo American consumers in a marketing blitz promoting its mobes and wearables in the US – a country where it has failed to expand thanks to national security concerns expressed by the President Obama.

    Meanwhile, Chinese PC giant Lenovo has been shipping laptops with spyware since last year, signed with a security certificate that impersonates Bank of America.

    1. Alister

      Re: Chinese Concerns

      Meanwhile, Chinese PC giant Lenovo has been shipping laptops with American spyware since last year, signed with a security certificate that impersonates Bank of America.


      1. James O'Shea Silver badge

        Re: Chinese Concerns

        "Meanwhile, Chinese PC giant Lenovo has been shipping laptops with American spyware since last year, signed with a security certificate that impersonates Bank of America."

        Doesn't matter. What Joe User sees is 'Chinese' and 'spyware'. Everything else will be ignored. And all things Chinese will be tarred with the same brush. This may/may not include Taiwanese devices, depending on Joe User's [lack of] knowledge. (Indeed, it may extend to Korean and Japanese devices, too, as Joe User may not be able to tell the difference. I do a little instructing at a local community college and have discovered that Jay Leno's Jaywalking segments [] on the Tonight Show were actually far too kind. A substantial fraction of the American public lacks any knowledge of geography and history. And, no, it's not that they don't know about anything outside of America; they don't know anything about anything outside of their state and sometime out of their county. There really are, for example, adults who have actual bachelor's degrees who still think that New Mexico belongs to Estados Unidos Mexicanos, rather than to a rather different United States.) The fact that Lenovo used American spyware appears to make a difference to you; it absolutely will not make a difference to the vast majority of the buying public. No, Lenovo is an Evil Spying Commie Furrin Company, to be avoided at all costs.

      2. BillG

        Re: Chinese Concerns

        Meanwhile, Chinese PC giant Lenovo has been shipping laptops with American spyware...

        You seem to imply that the nationality of the spyware is of consequence. Truth is manufacturers of spyware and viruses, like all criminals, have no nationality or loyalty. What's important is that Lenovo made the deliberate decision to include spyware in their computers.

        From it's approval as inclusion of listed software, to it's passing pre-production QA, to it's final approval as the loaded software package with a security certificate signed as Bank of America, the Chinese company Lenovo made the deliberate decision to include spyware.

        1. james 68

          Re: Chinese Concerns

          Just as an example, where are the all American apple products made?

          Hint: China

          Yes even the few that say "made in America", those only have their final assembly in American plants so they can slap a sticker on it and funnily enough they also phoned home with personal information, as a direct result of decisions made by an American company.

          You will be hard pressed to find any American branded technology products that aren't made in China, and any large company in China will have the exact same ties to the government as Huawei, it's the cost of business in China. But for some reason when an American brand name is stuck on the items they are deemed safe.

          The bluff and bluster against Huawei is simply an excuse to block out the lowest bidder in infrastructure installations so that American corporations can eat all the cheese.

          Technobigotry in it's lowest form.

      3. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

        Re: Chinese Concerns

        Um, wasn't the spyware in question Israeli?

        1. Alister

          Re: Chinese Concerns


          U.S. Headquarters:

          E. Bayshore Road, #150,

          Palo Alto, CA 94303


          1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

            Re: Chinese Concerns

            Hunh. Wonder why i associated it with Israel. Must have gotten them all mixed up with another company.

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