Re: I don't really like Apple/iOs
"So, yes it does, but most users cannot even turn it on even if they want to (and I am one of those users). At least with Android, I could."
Not true. You can enable it fairly easily via a free Office 365 trial:
Step 1: Create an free Office Account 365 at (other plans will work to)
Step 2: Login into Office 365
Step 3: Login into the Admin exchange area, click Admin - Exchange
Step 4: Select mobile - mobile device mailbox policies - Edit
Step 5: In the popup window you need to modify both tabs; general and security
Step 5.1: general tab - both boxes checked (allowed)
Step 5.2: security it should look like this, wipe part is optimal and can be unchecked
Step 6: Check the policy
Now you need to connect to Office 365 - open the Office app on your Phone:
Step 1: Select Office 365
Step 2: Select Set up
Step 3: Login
You should be able to see a new OneDrive and Sharepoint link in the Office app or recive a notification. Sometimes it doesn't sync so you might need to add the E-Mail account. Just go into Settings - email+accounts - add an account - select Exchange and sing in with the details you used before
Now go to Settings - storage sense - you should see "encypted" in the phone area Viola!