Seriously? Still on about apps?
>>"The claim falls far short of reality though, with fewer apps available, and often worse implementations of apps that are on the market"
The first part is meaningless once your needs are met. I don't care about having thirty different apps for maps, I care about having a single good one. Furthermore, apps took off because phones didn't have fully capable web browsers back then. My WP has such a browser. My need for apps is minimal. Like a huge number of people all that I want is to send txts, occasionally make calls, possibly get some emails and definitely good maps / directions. WP has all of this built in. Other people also want to be able to do Facebook, Twitter and various social apps. Some want fitness and food apps. WP also has all of this and handles them fine. At this point, we have covered the majority of the non-technophile userbase.
I've yet to hear any non-niche app requirement that WP doesn't meet. The absolute numbers matter very little compared to that. As to "often worse implementations", sounds nicely vague to me. I really can't believe people are still attacking WP over this. It's like their last best hope to attack it for something. :/