Duh, I dunno know boss
It would be a lovely position, but as evidenced above I can't match the dynamism and tongue-in-cheek sophistication of The Reg.
I are prety gud at prof-reddin and fax checkin tho.
The Register is expanding in the States: we're seeking a full-time US Production Editor to work in our San Francisco bureau in California. The successful applicant will work alongside our US editor and four reporters to prepare news, opinion and feature articles on the world of science and technology for our vast and …
•Sharpen up sentences to The Register’s punchy style.
•Write headlines, sub-headlines and picture captions to Register style.
Is it "The Register" or just "Register"? Is consistency a requirement?
strives to be accurate, informative and entertaining.
Millions follow our world-beating coverage of ray guns, atom smashers, killer robots, selected celebrities, zeppelins, space oddities, and garden-shed engineering breakthroughs
Is the variable use of the Oxford comma a requirement?
"...It is essential you have the ability to: Proofread quickly but carefully to catch typos, spelling mistakes..."
You mean:
When do I start?
Actually, cancel that. I've just seen the picture of the location at the top of the article. No way am I moving to bloody Newcastle!
Peter picked a peck of pickles, feck the puck of poppers peepers pint...
The rain in Spain explains the pain plainly part...
OK wait... I can do thish...
Colourless green ideas sleep furiously! RESULT!!!
At least I can English, so I got that going for me, which is nice *8)
Also, it'd give y'all an expense-able reason to be somewhere not snowing in January
Not noticed any snow in Silicon Valley this winter. It did manage to rain a bit today though. If you want snow, you nip up to Tahoe for a bit.
(Note that San Francisco itself is colder than further round the Bay, and has a lot more rain.)
"Proofread quickly but carefully to catch typos, spelling mistakes, tautologies, mixed metaphors, and similar errors.
Sharpen up sentences to The Register’s punchy style.
Write headlines, sub-headlines and picture captions to Register style."
The first will often preclude the second and third requirements. Perhaps you missed out "inadvertent" in that one.
My copy is the one in double spacing, with an insertion symbol in the left (wider) margin etc etc ...
You must be able to come into the office, yes. In some circumstances, we work from home, but most of the time we're in the office if we're not at conferences, etc.
Why? Because it is vastly more convenient and productive to discuss ideas and bounce around headlines, puns, contacts, background info, and so on, if the team is all physically present. Although we have a staff IM system, actual face time is much, much preferred at The Register.
Our office is quite all right. We don't have a whisky bar or a pool table, but we're in a nice part of The City: Maiden Lane.
Well, actually from this website your LOADING DOCK is on Maiden Lane, you're actually on Geary... which ain't bad; lots of decent bar and restaurant options within striking distance between Union Square on one side and the Financial District on the other (Irish Bank!). Puts you within a half block of an entrance to Muni and Monty BART, so no need to live in The City, you can come in from such garden spots as Colma, Fremont, Dublin and Antioch.
I should apply, as my first job out of Cal was as a janitor for a building on the other side of Geary (49), so I not only know how to get there, I have experience dealing with trash (read into that what you will).
If your were working for a global multinational like el'Reg you wouldn't have to use BART.
All these companies have luxury buses that pick up their employees from their downtown lofts and whisk them to their offices.
In the case of this esteemed mighty organ they probably have a barrow that does the alleys behind bars at chucking out time
Why? Because it is vastly more convenient and productive to discuss ideas and bounce around headlines, puns, contacts, background info, and so on, if the team is all physically present. Although we have a staff IM system, actual face time is much, much preferred at The Register.
On the other hand, you limit both your available choices of staff and the geographic range said staff can cover. It seems a bit odd that a journal that covers the cutting and often bleeding edge of technology seems a bit hung up on its use. Video and teleconferencing: you might have heard of it.
"On the other hand, you limit both yo–"
10: If you don't like it, don't apply. The Register is a face-to-face organization. We communicate electronically across continents. if it's important, we fly to meetings.
"It seems a bit odd that a journal that covers the cutting and often bleeding edge of technol–"
Proper engineering and boffinry is something to celebrate. But, generally, technology sucks. That silicon chip you designed or bridge you built? Brilliant. That web chat toy? Your fancy web app? It's bollocks. You know it's bollocks. I know it's bollocks. Everyone knows it's bollocks. You're swallowing the hype.
Goto 10.
10: If you don't like it, don't apply.
Ad hominem much? I'm a decent enough copy editor, but would be otherwise crap at the job. It has nothing to do with what I like.
But, generally, technology sucks.
No, it either meets your needs or it does not. No-one really cares about all of the various communicating tools available. The concern is very much just the one you have or those under consideration for use. There is no magic sauce to it, just find the tool that gets the job done and move on. Your requirements are based on culture, not the available technology. I have no quibble with that as I am 1) not interested in the job and 2) happy to keep reading The Register. As far the bit about the available tech, though, don't blow smoke where it does not belong.
I do most of my proofing with MS Word. Shows you the typos and many other simple mistakes. Red squiggles, green squiggles, and blue squiggles make a colourful/colorful day. You don't have yo agree with all of them.
But can El Reg afford MS Word, or are they as impoverished as the BOFH company and their z-mail (retarded email)?
Despite a punishing predeliction for puns I feel that anyone serious will be sending emails direct to the poor Chris.
Unsubtantiated rumours are that Chris is so downhearted on the submissions that he's printing out the comments to make a papier-mâché cross for self-crucifiction to music, leading to the obvious headline of Kriss Kross Croons Crucifed Chris.
I'll stay an anonymous coward for the crime of this post.
I'm looking for a job and I'm 10 minutes from SF but I suspect Chris will tell me to keep to IT and not journalism after the above crimes.