Wake up, investors in China...
... once each industry is strong enough, and have learned as much as they can or can steal from the western companies, they are going to kick the "round eyes" out of China.
China appears to have lopped Cisco and Apple from the list of vendors approved to sell to its government. A Reuters analysis of official data also says Intel, McAfee and Citrix were also lopped, and the total number of foreign tech suppliers on the list is down by one-third. Suppliers of imported security-related products …
At which point the west would nullify all its debt owed to China. And likely nationalise all the Chinese investment in the West (and yes, there is a damned lot, in my part of the West, anyway!). The economies are a bit too inter-linked for that sort of thing anymore!
Also: A man with a million dollars is nowhere near as powerful as a man who owes you a million dollars!
Cisco was already going to lose after the US put Huawei on their banned list. Apple is irrelevant because they don't sell enterprise equipment - I doubt the Chinese government was buying a lot of Macs and iPhones so this won't make a dent in their sales.
Intel is even more irrelevant because they only sell CPUs. The Chinese government doesn't buy CPUs, they buy PCs. They aren't going to stop buying Lenovo PCs because they have Intel CPUs in them. Intel makes a lot more per PC sold than Lenovo does.
.. the jobs in China making devices ..smartphones and tablets
.. we never built those in the US .. China didn't take US jobs
.. automation .. robotics .. better computer software
.. they reduced the number of hands needed for what is produced in the world
.. China manufactures about 20% of the world's goods
.. The USA manufactures about 20% of the world's goods
.. China has about 110 million manufacturing workers to do that
.. we can't even calculate the wages and productivity per worker closely
.. The USA has about 9 million manufacturing workers
.. producing some $65 per hour of product .. earning some $35 per hour in wages and benefits average
.. and working a bit over 40 hours a week average
.. China manufacturing down slightly last couple of years .. negative 2-3%
.. USA manufacturing up 6%-9% depending on sector
.. energy and resources costs are really hurting China vs USA
Is possible/probable that the banished tech is because they won't allow a backdoor for the Chinese? We hear a lot about this from this side of the pond (US getting or wanting backdoors but not wanting "them" to have a backdoor). Retaliation would seem most likely reson however.
Yes, that's an obvious possibility. However, it's probably true to say that generally the world now considers Chinese equipment more trustworthy than US equipment.
If there were a back door in Chinese equipment I'd personally expect it to have been put there by the US or one of its collaborators because so far there is very little evidence of the Chinese ever having done the sort of evil that the US and the UK have been doing. I doubt it would fit with Chinese business plans to risk damaging their reputation in that way, whereas the US basically has nothing to lose now.
"considers Chinese equipment more trustworthy than US equipment." yea and Donald Trump stays at Motel Six when he travels.
In today' world you are fool not to understand govt are snooping. It comes down to who do you want to see what you are doing and what they do with the information.
You are an idiot if you don't think the Chinese govt does not share with their businesses (I suspect ihn many cases they are the same)
Why does China "snooping" on my network affect me? I don't do business in China. I don't plan to go to China. For the most part, I just don't care about China or it's antics at all.
But US/UK/Oz snooping does affect me. I go to these places. If they detect me believing the wrong thing, or supporting the wrong political party, or thinking things that are "antisocial" or "radical" this can affect my ability to travel and to do business.
I'm not fond of any country snooping on civilians, but if we have to choose who sees our dirty laundry, I'm going to pick the governments that won't be in a position to taser me to death. But hey, to each their own...