Please can I request a Polo Shirt with a massive BoFH emblem embroided into the back :) .. I intend to make it compulsory uniform for my team!
Maybe not the uniform, but I'd definitely buy one, and I'm sure others will.
With the rebirth of El Reg merchandising tentacle Cash'n'Carrion, we asked readers just what they'd like to see stocked on our virtual shelves. Right up the top of the list of demands was BOFH kit, so without further ado get your laughing gear round the relaunched Bastard Operator mug. At £9.99, this receptacle is …
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Oh, I don't know, BoFH polo shirt for you, then PFY polo shirts for the rest? Too many cooks and all that.
Indeed. A BOFH must make sure that 'da yoof' are appropriately downtrodden into their correct place. Ensuring that they can only ever look at a BOFH t-shirt - while wearing a reminder of their own pimple-faced 'yoofness' - is the first step.
"Could you see it in your hearts to bring back the O'Really shirts? Mine are becoming a bit worn."
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