All of which shows the massive incompetence and stupidity and rush of the previous regime. I am all for FTTP but if they had just been more thorough and open and produced proper costings then the wild numbers being thrown around by the coalition would have been very easy to refute indeed.
NBN Co numbers suggest FTTP build could be done for close to Labor's budget
The real cost of completing Australia's National Broadband Network (NBN) in its originally-planned fibre-to-the-premises configuration may well have been close to the $AU43 billion first budgeted, according to data presented by NBN Co's CEO and CFO to a Senate Estimates hearing. Yesterday, CEO Bill Morrow and CFO Stephen Rue …
Thursday 30th April 2015 01:03 GMT rtb61
Re: Hmmm,maybe
More accurately, News Corporations get's us elected, what do you want today Rupert, please let us make the Australian public get it for you.
Of course all the other business are now get more than a little miffed at the blatant bias in LNP communications policy, News Corporations get what it wants and every other business in Australia get's the opportunity to 'er' pay them or be driven out of business.
Thursday 26th February 2015 02:28 GMT Thorne
"then the wild numbers being thrown around by the coalition would have been very easy to refute indeed"
How do you pick which liar is telling the truth?
Despite the costs FTTP is better than FTTN because at some point you need to rip out FTTN and put FTTP in.
Do the job once and do the job properly.
Thursday 2nd July 2015 01:46 GMT rtb61
Get real. News corporations could quite readily be shown by the actions given. We win you the election and you 'WILL' destory the NBN, end of story.
Of course the bullshit required to destroy the NBN just started to mount higher and higher and higher and all the other companies started to get quite disappointed in the outcome as the outcome they intended became more and more apparent, destroy the NBN, sell what ever is left at a cents in the dollar discount to Telstra and kill the ABC and sell it pieces at a cents in the dollar discount to Newscorp.
Fail and you will not win the next election, problem with that threat, succeed and you will lose no matter what the most hated media company in the world attempts to do.
Newscorp seriously, the most hated media company in the world, that does do forebode well for them.
Wednesday 25th February 2015 23:54 GMT Mark Exclamation
Meanwhile, back in reality,
Let's see what it *actually* costs when it's actually finished. It's only just started, but already the cost estimate is *only* $4beeellion more than the estimated rubbery cost. What's $4 billion among friends?
I repeat as per my previous posts: this is the biggest waste of money ever!