back to article Get ready for the El Reg Storage Winners-n-Losers super chart

A look at four years' worth of storage supplier revenues shows us which suppliers are winning, losing or standing still. The chart shows annual revenues for storage suppliers, or the storage business of larger suppliers, insofar as it can be identified, from 2010 to 2014. All_Storage_supplier_revenues It's crude as …

  1. jason 7


    ...I need a girl to help me tell the difference between all those colour hues.

    Being a guy I only understand the basic colours.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Sorry...

      And why does the top of the graph go uphill and the bottom go downhill? Is it to make it look like those at the top are doing better than they are and those at the bottom are doing worse? What's wrong with horizontal lines?

    2. xjimbox

      Re: Sorry...

      What really helps these chart fails are the vendor colors change from one chart to the next. That, and the artsy tilted axis, really make these charts suck.

    3. N13L5

      Re: Graph

      Displaying a graph with a pointless 3D effect that totally distorts the impression an observer gets from the chart, you have to wonder if that's just incompetence or malfeasance..

      In the words of Grand Moff Kilran: "Lying or incompetent - it makes little difference"

  2. Martin0641

    Where is Pure Storage?

    I just bought a FA-405 and a FA-450, and thus far the experience, performance, and simplicity place it far over EMC, NetApp, and Dell.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Where is Pure Storage?

      er, well, exactly where they should be right... not on the chart in any meaningful way

  3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. PleebSmash


    larger charts please

  5. Man Mountain

    Quiet news day in The Register office?

  6. Anonymous Bosch

    Graph Enhancements

    On graphs like these the use of dotted lines and dashed lines as well as colour would be quite helpful for all, especially we over 50, never could tell colours apart males.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    But it's all related . . .

    The confusing thing about this is that some are hardware vendors, and some software, and some are both. so the revenues don't necessarily compare. So an all-inclusive NetApp deal doesn't compare to e.g. StorNext as a software-only deal, running on, say, a Dell back-end.

    And what about all the internal disks inside servers - does that count as Seagate sales AND server sales?

    Your recent industry showing shipped TB gave a *very* different picture.

    So I'd give this a 4/10 - could do better!

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