Re: Pathetic
I agree that people should stop hurting each other, NOT all of ISLAM is ISIL, NOT all of ISIL is Islam some are trapped, I agree it needs dealing with, but with PRECISION, cause getting wrong people is making things worse, NOT better ...
I agree with or condone NONE of these items in list below, being ONLY a humble PC "enthusiast" it is the facts as I see them, Maybe I try to simplify too much, but, ...
.5) CIA train Osama to pester Russians to Death.
1) 1994 - Osama blows up WTC with a truck bomb, kills 100, wounds 300
2) 1994 - Osama (GW BUSH former business colleague) Declares WAR on USA
3) 1994 - 2001 Osama spends time blowing anything he can find with a US Flag on it.
4) 2001 - Shock Horror, he uses the Most Destructive Kamikaze mission yet seen, as a tactic of War. (Sorry about this, "a budget nuke")
5) 2001 - the UK & rest join in, (2003 find me on & others elsewhere, saying it was obvious he was in Pakistan!!)
5.5) again, finishing dad's Fkcuup in Iraq, now it looks much more like "little big horn", on world scale ...
6) Our Younger Generation are being put thru a wringer, for the USA, who remind me of a punch drunk fighter swinging @ air, & defense personal suffer because the people they trust in "line of duty" seemed to be to turning into Kamikaze more & More, IED's ...
Sorry but this WAR, is nuts, Innocent people are dying daily, to increase it all, Israel goes on a building spree in occupied territories, driving the real "Nutters" Crazy, in middle East. While in Ukraine, Sometimes it seems a familiar theme, breaking up Russia, into smaller & smaller, bits, Seeking expansion, "Room to Grow", Building new markets is easy with Capitalism, plenty of people will give you money for a business/idea/iThingy34.234, because they believe the advert, embrace it, after that those who control the money profit, those who don't are cleaned out, or reduced to a industrial Drone.
It seems, as people find this unpopular they have to find more markets to start again, to prop up their failing system, employ CCTV, security, drones etc ...
Strangely when you look @ maps over time, Russian borders including Most of "Ukraine", I think maybe 700 AD until 2005, Some Probs in 1400's & Ottomans took it, Some Squabbles, I think it was Peter the Great in 1700's, who fixed it, the last time there was trouble, over 75-85 years ago ....
How Many Russians died liberating Ukraine from NAZI's, depending on whose figures, anywhere from 7 to 15 million ....
SO it continues, the "theory of constant Expansion", Capitalism, is a artificial construct, like a balloon, blow a balloon up forever & see what happens, I am sad, Because we NEED to focus together, prepare for Climate Change, ALL of us, the whole planet, BUT you should remember these are just my views, it may NOT bear resemblance to your reality, but it don't have to ...
COP20: Global Arctic Methane Emergency #2 (12-5-2014 in Lima Peru)
Dr Jennifer Francis - Arctic Sea Ice, Jet Stream & Climate Change
No I am not that Old that I remember fall of Rome & you are right, it was from reading of others thoughts, listening(lectures) of others thoughts, watching video of others thoughts ...
I don't "feel" much different to when I was 21, only the body's falling apart & I seen/know a lot of crap about a few things ..