So, how does one pronounce Xiaomi?
I'd always assumed it was some sort of multi-lingual pun on Show Me, maybe not?
Xiaomi, the Chinese electronics upstart trumpeted as the David to Apple's Goliath (but is instead sticking it to Samsung) is planning a gentle entry into the US. At a showcase in San Francisco, Xiaomi announced it was going to start selling gadgets and gizmos Stateside – and certainly not phones nor TVs. It will instead start …
I would suggest that they take a play from Sony's book and at least come up with another brand name for their US/EU operations. Sony picked their name when they realized that if they wanted to sell to American consumers, they'd need a name that the Americans can pronounce.
And the current Chinese-Roman transliteration scheme is horrible. Western languages aren't big on "x"s or on long strings of vowels.
If... And I have a tendency to (on the face of it!), doubt that Xiaomi have... Or has anything that can beat off Samsung at it own Game. At the moment. Their stuff is only slightly cheaper. And for good reason. As a lot of the functionality that One has come to expect in Ones own Galaxy "Device" is sadly nowhere to be found on those cheapo Chinese Clones.
Xiaomi do seem to want to break out of that mold, and good on them for doing so too!
But, would you rather be known for producing valuable (But, affordable!), Goods... Or a purveyor in cheap tatty Headphones? As to their TV Market? I have to say I never knew they actually had One. Given how soft that market is though... I can't say I overly blame them for keeping them. That said, they should probably reconsider the Phones, if they ever want to actually get somewhere.
I'd love to hear their justification for MIUI not being a fork of android, when it very obviously IS a fork of android. Specifically, it's Android with an IOS-ified interface.
I actually installed that on a couple of my android devices way back when and actually liked it a lot. The only reason I stopped was because I switched to another device that MIUI didn't support.
Given that everything is now produced either in China or in some geographically close country, you can take you 1970's dogma and put it back in the folder marked "Obsolete".
If we had to rely on things produced in the Northern Hemisphere, we'd have trouble getting things more technologically advanced than forks & knives.
Hi all,
Here is a link to the post by Bluebox. They bought a Xiaomi m4 in China,and found it preloaded with spyware,adware,and malware. Very similar to what Palo Alto networks found on a Coolpad device. I will put up that link too. This one will be a pdf download,but has a Google tag.
Palo Alto,Coolpad/Coolreaper