Re: already out there?
Here in OZ, they have Grill, Bake & Steamers Now in Microwaves !! (KMart), they keep adding bits & bobs. I don't mind some Tech, Like a Rice Cooker (even if it is just 12 mins in boiling water, 3 drops of cooking oil + salt), Also Rice Cookers can Do Small Stews, Rice dishes pretty well, in 1 pot, + I don't have to watch it & I can do other things, I like New Auto-Pressure Cookers, but only for Corned Beef, or precooking meat for a Stew. A Vertical Grill, Steamer, Microwave, Blender, & a few other contraptions under the bench ... So maybe combining it all is a good thing, in it clears bench space, but I think you lose some Versatility in what you can cook, cause in a microwave alone, in can be a Process, to assemble a meal for a few people, if it's all you got ...
I might add the 45 year old Stainless Steel Saucepans, Frypans & Pots, are still in service, but only really the big pot, twice a month, to do 20 Meals to stick in Freezer, So when I do NUKE something, Least I know whats in it ....
Food I don't like is ...
1) Food where I can't see the Preparation Area,
2) That's been played with too Much.
These "masterchaf" & "MyKitchenFools" show's, ping me, They touch the food to much, try to do too much with it, & comes out, a mouthful on plate, GOOD FOOD is clean, simple, FRESH, not to play with like a toy before it is served ...