Tired of Samsung
I own 2 Samsung TVs, 2 Samsung blu-ray players and a Samsung sound bar.
One of the TVs has to be turned off and back on after starting to play ANYTHING coming from the blu-ray player in order to get the sound to resync. Doesn't matter if it's amazon, netflix or a regular DVD.
The other is tied into the sound bar. The TV remote doesn't control the sound on the sound bar.
The remotes on both TVs feature a helpful "home" button which is right next to the play button. Never mind that they each have about 6 zillion buttons on them when they only really need about 5 or 6. If you accidentally press the home button (same size, just below the play) then it instantly kicks you back to the home screen. This means that if you were watching amazon or netflix you have to restart that app, wait for it to load, go search for the movie you were watching and hit play again. One of the remotes "helpfully" has *some* of the buttons back lit. Unfortunately it's not any of the buttons you are likely to press and the back light is so dim you may as well just turn on the regular lights to see what you are doing.
I bought a fairly expensive logitech remote to replace them. However that thing would shut down the power to EVERYTHING and turn it back on when you tried to switch from Netflix to Amazon or back again. At the time there was no way to stop this as Logitech thought that was what everyone would want to do. Dumb.
I'm unimpressed to say the least.
You'd think tech purchased from the same vendor would work well together. It doesn't. They frequently need rebooted and I'm pretty sure samsung pushes an update down at least once a week. The updates don't install during the overnight hours when you aren't trying to watch a show. Instead it waits until you are trying to start the TV and "helpfully" tells you that you can watch regular cable until everything reinstalls. I don't have regular cable. Amazon and Netflix are fine. So this means that at least once a week it takes about 10 minutes from the moment I push the power button until I can start watching a show. Oh and those Amazon and Netflix apps have to be "reinstalled" weekly as well.
Pieces of shit. They really need to do some real product testing.
When the first one finally stops working I think I'm going to toss everything with a Samsung logo into the bulk trash pile and pick a new vendor. /rant.