Re: China & Chronos.
awood-something_or_other wrote: That's rich Chronos. If we're bourgeois what does that make you fucks?
I don't really mind being a fuck. As George Carlin said, in this context fuck is a synonym for fellow. Who's the British fuck? Chronos. Chronos is the British fuck.
Actually, I was using the term ironically. Epithets like "bourgeois" are used by people who, if they're honest, are just a little bit jealous of your lifestyle. Rejoice in it. In case you missed it, Mediatek and Allwinner are Chinese fabless SoC houses. They both flout the GPL and refuse to release sources, which is why I said this is a bloody cheek. Say what you like about Qualcomm, at least they play the game, which is why we have CynaogenMod for many Qualcomm equipped handsets. How many Mediatek 'phones have Cyanogen? Oh yes, none. No source.
So, you see, I wasn't having a go at our Leftpondian friends at all. Apart from your propensity for driving on the wrong side of the road, you're really fairly decent folk.